What are brontosaurus called now?

What are brontosaurus called now?


What is the longest neck dinosaur?


Are brontosaurus and brachiosaurus the same?

The key difference between Brontosaurus and Brachiosaurus is the appearance of them. Brontosaurus is an elephant-like dinosaur while Brachiosaurus is a giraffe-like dinosaur. Furthermore, Brontosaurus is one of the longest dinosaurs while Brachiosaurus is one of the tallest dinosaurs that lived on Earth.

What dinosaur looks like a brachiosaurus?

Sauropods and theropods were saurischian dinosaurs. The sauropods evolved into several major subgroups: Cetiosauridae, Brachiosauridae (including Brachiosaurus), Camarasauridae (including Camarasaurus), Diplodocidae (including Diplodocus and Apatosaurus), and Titanosauridae.

Is the Brachiosaurus fake?

Brachiosaurus. Well fear not, because Brachiosaurus is still a valid dinosaur, and there’s a good reason as to why the animal you think is Brachiosaurus actually isn’t. Brachiosaurus was named in 1903 by Elmer Riggs of Chicago’s Field Museum (Riggs, 1903).

Can a 50 cal kill an elephant?

50 caliber shooting 500 or 535 grain bullets at around 2200 fps. The pointed BMG bullets would tend to change direction when they struck bone. You don’t kill an elephant by “hydrostatic shock,” whatever that is, and ordinary . 458 elephant rounds penetrate plenty deep enough to kill.

Can at Rex survive a bullet?

Crippling a T. rex, even if you’re skillful enough to hit its fast-moving legs, is difficult due to its thick bones. So you need to shoot to kill. The critter has a massive skull clad in dense muscle protecting a relatively small brain case, making a head shot pretty tough.

Would a 50 cal kill a blue whale?

50 BMG bullet will travel straight through a blue whale, and exit the other side. Whales are very large, but not very demse or bony. It’s mostly soft tissue all the way through, with enormous, fragile lungs taking up most of the chest cavity.

Can a 50 cal kill at Rex?

50 cal or 20mm (or smaller, high grain count ammunition) could rip through flesh and bone for days, very likely passing through a dinosaur skull with little effort, assuming your aim was less than perfect (and with the recoil of such a round, that’s a reasonable assumption, if not properly braced).

How does one kill a whale?

The cold harpoons were banned, and penthrite grenades became the standard method for killing whales. Traditional whalers in the United States use hand-held harpoons to ensnare whales, and then kill them with high-powered rifles. They have also used penthrite bombs and black powder.

Can you hunt with a 50 BMG?

50 BMG cannot be used for hunting, it certainly can. It will just cause to much damage to the animal to be considered “hunting”. It is effectively destruction of the animal. Unless you hunt whales.

Can a 12 gauge fire a 50 BMG?

The the brass casing will be fire formed and split when a . 50 BMG caliber cartridge is fired in a 12 gauge barrel. Yes that is not how it should look… While the double barreled shotgun appears to have survived the two shot torture don’t bet there was no damage done.

Can you survive a 50 cal?

There’s really no way to survive a . 50-cal. 50-cal. hits with so much energy that it would likely kill you even if your body armor could stop it.

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