Does South Carolina extradite for child support?
South Carolina will not extradite a person from another state for failing to pay child support, but there are a number of other tools available to compel compliance with the court order.
What kind of rights does a father have in South Carolina?
50% of children born in South Carolina are born to unmarried parents. When a child is born out-of-wedlock in South Carolina, the biological father has no legal rights or connection to the child until he establishes legal paternity.
What is the average child support payment in South Carolina?
According to the US Census, the median household income in South Carolina is $5497. The South Carolina guidelines establish a basic child support obligation average between $793 to $1628. This range applies to parents of one to six children. For example, a non-custodial parent of three children earns $3,000 a month.
How long can you go without paying child support in SC?
Support generally continues until the child is 18 and has finished high school or at the end of the school year that the child turns 19. Support can continue for exceptional situations such as college or if the child is disabled.
What if the non custodial parent doesn’t work?
If the court finds the parent is unwilling to work or be fully employed, the court will impute (or attribute) income to the parent as long as it is consistent with the best interests of the children who are subject to the child support award.
How is child support determined in South Carolina?
The total child support obligation is divided between the parents in proportion to their income. Each parent’s proportional share of combined adjusted gross income must be calculated.
Is SC A Mother State?
South Carolina law has no presumption favoring mothers over fathers or fathers over mothers in child custody cases. As noted in S.C. Code ยง 63-5-30: When children are born of a marriage, both parents have full custody rights to the child until the family court issues an order setting custody.
What percentage of income is child support in South Carolina?
The non-custodial parent’s income is 66.6% of the parent’s total combined income. Therefore, the non-custodial parent pays $666 per month in child support, or 66.6% of the total child support obligation.