What type of O-rings do paintball guns use?

What type of O-rings do paintball guns use?

Here you will find many of the standard o-rings that are used in paintball markers and in other various pneumatic applications. Most of the o-rings that we sell are high quality buna-nitrile (also known as “buna”, “Nitrile Rubber” or “Buna-N”) o-rings.

What size is a paintball tank O-ring?

10 paintball O-rings per package….Specifications.

Brand JT
Manufacturer JT Paintball
Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H) 1.00 x 3.00 x 4.50 Inches

Why is my paintball gun leaking air?

Leaking from the Front of the Gun When air leaks out of the front of the gun below the barrel, the most common reason is that there is a bad O-ring on the front volumizer. This problem is relatively common Spyder-style paintball guns.

What is an ASA in paintball?

ASA is short for Air Source Adapter. This is the threaded port on a paintball marker where you screw the CO2 or compressed air tank into.

What is a drop forward?

Paintball Drop Forward – A Paintball Drop Forward moves your tank down and forward to help with the length and balance of your paintball marker with the air tank attached. As air tanks became smaller most tournament players moved to rails so the marker was more compact.

How do you use pops ASA?

POPS stands for Push On Purge System and is a completely new concept in On/Off/Purging ASAs. The idea is simple. Just push back on the front Bonnet section of the Planet Eclipse POPS ASA and this depresses the pin in your tank, gasses up the marker, and then latched itself into place.

Why is my paintball gun only shooting once?

One ore more of the following may cause recocking related issues: Need lubrication on the following O-ring (#ORG001) (See Disassemble / Reassemble). The pressure in the tank is too low and possibly needs to be refilled.

What is a cup seal on a paintball gun?

O-rings are found throughout paintball guns as a seal to prevent air from leaking out of the gun. There is an O-ring where the tank of CO2 attaches to the gun. This ring needs to be attached properly and intact for air and CO2 not to leak out of the paintball gun.

How much does it cost to service a paintball gun?

Basic Marker Repair And Service: $40. oo + parts. A Basic Marker Repair And Service will cover all the following: Repair minor leaks and performance problems with many markers.

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