How much does an F-16 Fighting Falcon cost?

How much does an F-16 Fighting Falcon cost?

Depending on the configuration, price varies from $12 to $35 million. The competition does not even come close to The Mighty Lockheed Martin F16 Fighting Falcon.

Can civilians own a fighter jet?

So can any civilian buy a fighter plane? The answer is a surprising ‘yes! ‘. As soon as an airplane is demilitarized it can be bought by members of the general public.

Can a civilian buy an aircraft carrier?

You Can Buy Your Own Aircraft Carrier Starting At The Low Price Of $1.2 Million.

Can I legally own a aircraft carrier?

In the US, no. You can own the carrier and planes (even if it was a WW I or WW II carrier) with enough money, but you would not be able to arm them legally. The weapons would have to be made nonfunctional.

Can a 747 land on an aircraft carrier?

Large commercial aircraft like a Boeing 747 or an Airbus A-380 simply cannot fit on the deck without the wings clipping the island or other deck antennas, etc, not to mention requiring landing rolls of over 3000 ft even in the most extreme short field attempts.

How much runway is needed for a 747?

The FAA/EASA Minimum runway length requirements for MLW landings are 7,500ft (~2,300m) for the 747-8F, and 6,750ft (~2,000m) for the 747-8i. A Boeing 747-8 landing with 85% of its payload and 30% of its fuel, weighs 92% (8F) or 98% (8i) of its Maximum Landing Weight (MLW).

What is the largest military plane?

Antonov An-124 Ruslan

Can a 737 land on an aircraft carrier?

No, this is not possible for 737 aircraft to land on aircraft carrier because of its much high weight and its landing distance. every aircraft required some distance for landing so we cannot make such a big aircraft carrier which is greater than the landing distance of the 737 aircraft.

At what speed does a 737 land?

With a very common 737-800 the landing speed is about 180-200 knots.

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