What awards did Dorothy Hill win?
Lyell MedalClarke Medal
What did Dorothy Hill discover?
There, in the late 1920s, the young Australian geologist discovered a rich deposit of fossil corals from the Palaeozoic era. It was the beginning of a distinguished scientific career that established Dorothy Hill as a world authority on fossil corals, and one of Australia’s foremost geologists.
What challenges did Dorothy Hill face?
It was suspected that Japanese planes were dropping mines in the entrance to the river in an attempt to stop the arrival of American supplies. New South Wales and Queensland had different railway gauges, and it was difficult to transport war supplies landed in Sydney to north Queensland.
How old was Dorothy Hill when died?
89 years (1907–1997)
How old is Dorothy?
What did Isobel Bennett discover?
Dr Isobel Bennett is one of Australia’s most distinguished marine biologists. She was involved in the first study of plankton to be undertaken in Australian waters; she became an expert on the intertidal zone of the temperate shoes; and her best known area of expertise is the Great Barrier Reef.
When did Isobel Bennett die?
What does a marine biologist?
Marine biologists study life in the oceans, and sometimes the oceans themselves. They may investigate the behavior and physiological processes of marine species, or the diseases and environmental conditions that affect them. They may also assess the impacts of human activities on marine life.
Where did Isobel Bennett go to school?
Somerville House.
Where did Isobel Bennett die?
Sydney, Australia
What has Emma Johnston done?
Professor Johnston has an exceptional research career. She is head of the Applied Marine and Estuarine Ecology Lab at UNSW, and has led major research projects for industry, government, the Australian Research Council and the Australian Antarctic Science Program.
Where did Isobel Bennett grow up?
Brisbane, Queensland
Did Isobel Bennett win any awards?
In 1982 she was awarded the ANZAAS Mueller Medal, as well as the Whitely Memorial Award from the Royal Zoological Society of NSW. For her services to marine biology, Isobel was awarded Officer of the Order of Australia.
How old is Emma Johnston?
16 years (2005)
Where did Emma Johnston go to university?
The University High School