Where is your house in Fallout 3?

Where is your house in Fallout 3?

On entering Megaton walk down the path and take the 1st left (almost going back on yourself) take that path up and round and the 1st building is your house.

Where is the key to the presidential sub level?

Where can I find (the key to the door to the Presidential Sub-level)? The door is in the Utility tunnels beneath the White House and says “key required”…

How do you get to the underworld in Fallout 3?

The entrance to Underworld is located within the Museum of History beneath a giant skull. A Brotherhood of Steel outpost is located nearby the museum, and there are super mutants across the road at The Mall.

How do you kill Greta in Fallout 3?

Killing Greta

  1. The best time to kill her is when she goes on her smoking break just outside of Underworld in the Museum of History lobby area. She appears here around 9:00 PM nightly.
  2. Use the Mr. Sandman perk to slit her throat while she is sleeping.
  3. Mezz her and allow the residents to do the work.

Can Charon die Fallout 3?

If Charon dies when he is still under the contract, you cannot fire him or drop his contract from your inventory, this result makes the player permanently unable to acquire a human companion.

Should I kill Amaund Motierre?

After collecting the reward, the Dragonborn has the option to kill Motierre. Doing so gives the advantage of collecting a few rare gems from his corpse, as well as possibly receiving an inheritance from him.

Is Shadowmere a boy or girl?

Shadowmere is a mysterious undead black horse associated with the Dark Brotherhood. The horse’s gender is undetermined; it is inconsistently referred to as both male and female. It has glowing red eyes. The horse is seemingly immortal, having lived for over two hundred years.

What happens if you kill Astrid in the abandoned shack?

Astrid dies as a part of the Dark Brotherhood so she will already be dead. If you try to kill her before she dies in the story then she will just go down and get back up because she is considered an essential character who can’t be killed.

Should I kill or spare Cicero?

Since you can pickpocket him and receive higher grade gear at the Dawnstar Sanctuary, it is really not lucrative to kill him. If you have completed the quest line for the Dark Brotherhood, and Cicerio is still alive at that point, he will indeed become a Follower.

Should you kill Cicero?

To get his clothes, Cicero can be pickpocketed, giving him the poison. If the Ghost of Lucien Lachance is active while exploring the Dawnstar Sanctuary, Lucien will tell the player that it is not wise to kill Cicero, because the Keeper is a sacred position in the Dark Brotherhood.

Should I kill Astrid or Cicero?

Though shell not kill the Dark Brotherhood or it’s members. She kills everyone and almost kills you and Cicero. The punishment for breaking the Tenets according to Sithis in Oblivion is expulsion from the Dark Brotherhood or death. This is why you must kill her Cicero is the head of the Dark Brotherhood not her.

Can I marry Cicero?

This mod lets you marry Cicero after you finish the Dark Brotherhood questline. 2.0: You can go through the marriage ceremony with him. He will attend the marriage ceremony and recieve a Bond of Matrimony.

Where do I find Cicero after I spare him?

If the Dragonborn chose to spare his life, Cicero is found upon exiting the Dawnstar Sanctuary after “Hail Sithis!,” where he becomes a possible follower. Cicero is flagged as essential before “The Cure for Madness.” and after the quest, if he is spared.

What do you give Cicero?

Firstly, one must give him a full set of any armor. To get the entire outfit, the full set must be given. Cicero will equip the armor, replacing his outfit. The next step is to dismiss Cicero as a follower, but act quickly so that he doesn’t leave.

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