What is it called when the ocean tide meets a river current?

What is it called when the ocean tide meets a river current?

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, an estuary is defined as a water passage where the tide meets a river current; especially: an arm of the sea at the lower end of a river.

Which river is the Western Hemisphere’s longest river?

Amazon River

  • Western Hemisphere’s longest river.
  • Amazon Basin contains the world largest rain forest.

What is an area where the tide meets a river current?

An estuary is the place in the water where a tide and a river current meet, like the estuary at New York Harbor, where the Hudson River meets the Atlantic Ocean.

What is the highest and coldest altitude zone of Latin America?

The lowest zone is called tierra caliente, or hot country. Above that is a zone known as tierra templada, or cool country. Next comes tierra fría, or cold country. The highest elevation zone is known as tierra helada, which means frost country.

Why do people live in the Tierra Templada?

People in the Tierra Fria live in adobe brick houses to keep the warm air in and cold air out. Tierra Helada they live next to mines for easy access to work.

Why is the Latin America called a tropical region?

One of the continent’s river basins (the Amazon) is defined by dense, tropical rain forest, while the other (Paraná) is made up of vast grasslands. With an unparalleled number of plant and animal species, South America’s rich biodiversity is unique among the world’s continents.

What are the four physical features of Latin America?

Terms in this set (16)

  • Andes Mountains. the world’s longest mountain chain, stretching along the west coast of South America.
  • Amazon River. the longest river in South America, flowing from the Andes Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Orinoco River.
  • Atacama Desert.
  • Gulf of Mexico.
  • Caribbean Sea.
  • Strait of Magellan.
  • Lake Titicaca.

How many countries are in Latin America?

33 countries

What are the 3 climate zones in Latin America?

∎ Five climate zones: Caliente (hot), Templada (warm), Fria (cold), Helada (frozen), and Paramos. formed by the subduction of the Pacific plate beneath South America. Argentina – South of Santiago the mountains are lower.

What is the coldest city in Latin America?

Coldest place: Sarmiento, Argentina This is one category in which South America can’t compete on a global stage, but the interesting immigrant town of Sarmiento in the Chubut Province of Argentina recorded a chilly -27°F on June 17 1907.

What are the 4 main climate zones in Latin America?

What are the four mid-latitude climate zones in Latin America? These climate zones are Humid Subtropical, Mediterranean, Marine West Coast, and Highlands.

Which two Latin American countries have the most desert vegetation?

The two Latin American countries with the most desert vegetation are Peru and Chile.

Which two countries have the most oil in Latin American?

Two countries currently dominate Central and South American oil production: Venezuela and Brazil. Traditionally, Venezuela had been South America’s biggest producer. Its oil reserves (18% of the world’s total) outstrip those of Saudi Arabia.

Which vegetation is most common in Latin America?

Broad Leaf Evergreen Forest

Which country has the highest population density in Latin America?


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