Do you need a consent letter to travel with children in the US?

Do you need a consent letter to travel with children in the US?

When flying within the U.S., or traveling internationally by land or sea, a child’s birth certificate will suffice most of the time. A notarized letter of consent will be required for children who travel without one or both of their parents or legal guardians.

Can a child fly with grandparents?

What Do I Need to Travel with Someone Else’s Child? Children traveling with grandparents, cousins, other relatives, or school groups will need to have a signed document, such as a Child Travel Consent, allowing them to travel without a parent or legal guardian.

What does a grandparent need to fly with grandchildren?

Especially for international travel, carry copies of the child’s birth certificate, photos, and parents’ consent letter indicating their permission to travel with the children. Have health insurance information, policy details, and parents’ permission for medical treatment in the event of an emergency.

Can a child travel with a relative?

A Child Travel Consent allows minors to travel without their parents or legal guardians being present. This form can be used when a child will either be traveling alone or with another adult who is not their legal guardian (for example, a grandparent, aunt or uncle, friend, teacher, etc.).

What airlines let 16 year olds fly alone?

  • Unaccompanied Minors must be ticketed on an adult fare.
  • Travel is permitted on Delta and Delta Connection.
  • Travel is permitted on Domestic and International itineraries.
  • Unaccompanied Minors can only connect to other Delta, Delta Connection, Air France and KLM flights.

Can you travel by yourself at 16?

Children younger than 5 can’t travel as unaccompanied minors, even if they’re flying with an older unaccompanied child. Young adults ages 15-17 can travel alone on any United- or United Express®-operated flight, or they can choose to opt in to our unaccompanied minor service.

At what age can a child fly by themselves?

How Old Do Kids Have to Be to Fly Alone? Airlines generally consider children between the ages of 5 and 14 who travel without a parent or guardian to be “unaccompanied minors.” For kids between 15 and 17, unaccompanied minor service is typically optional.

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