What is juxtaposition and examples?

What is juxtaposition and examples?

Juxtaposition (pronounced juhk-stuh-puh–zish–uh-n) is the placement of two or more things side by side, often in order to bring out their differences. Imagine a man walking a well-groomed dog on a pink leash on one hand and a rough Rottweiler on a spiked collar on the other hand.

Why is juxtaposition used in speeches?

Juxtaposition means placing two things side by side so as to highlight their differences. Writers use it for rhetorical effect. Writers juxtapose divergent elements frequently: wealth and poverty, beauty and ugliness, or darkness and light.

Which of the following is the best example of juxtaposition?

Common Examples of Juxtaposition

  • What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
  • When it rains, it pours.
  • All’s fair in love and war.
  • Better late than never.
  • Beggars can’t be choosers.
  • Making a mountain out of a molehill.
  • When the cat’s away the mice will play.
  • You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.

Is black and white a juxtaposition?

Black vs White Colours are great examples of juxtaposition in photography. And there are no two colours that contrast better than black and white. This is because black and white have significance beyond their role as colours.

What is juxtaposition in English?

: the act or an instance of placing two or more things side by side often to compare or contrast or to create an interesting effect an unusual juxtaposition of colors also : the state of being so placed contrasting shapes placed in juxtaposition to each other.

What’s the opposite of juxtaposition?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for juxtaposition. distance, remoteness.

How do you use juxtapose?

Juxtapose sentence example It is interesting to juxtapose the lifestyle of today’s teenage generation with their grandparents’ generation. It is easy to juxtapose things that are complete opposites. I could juxtapose all of my favorite foods with foods that I don’t like too well for my class project.

Do you juxtapose with or against?

4 Answers. As the Ngrams show, you can get away with juxtaposed with, to, or against. I prefer with because to implies some sort of subject-object or other asymmetrical relationship while with is used when the relationship is symmetrical.

Can people be a juxtaposition?

Common Examples of Juxtaposition These divergent elements can include people, ideas, things, places, behaviors, and characteristics.

What is ironic juxtaposition?

A technique often used for when two disparate objects, people, or ideas are put side by side to provide contrast to one another.

Is juxtaposition the same as contrast?

Students often get contrast and juxtaposition mixed up. However, they are not the same! Contrast refers to the more general placement of oppositional or different things, whereas, juxtaposition requires a direct side-by-side placement.

How do you write a juxtaposition essay?

Explain in the opening paragraph what you are going to compare and contrast. Compare your two ideas in the second, third and possibly fourth paragraphs. Each paragraph should be about one idea. For example, if you are comparing an apple and orange, write one paragraph explaining how both items are fruits.

What effect does contrast have?

Contrast effect is an unconscious bias that happens when two things are judged in comparison to one another, instead of being assessed individually. Our perception is altered once we start to compare things to one another. We tend to judge them relative to each other rather than on their own merit.

What is the point of contrast?

While the major purpose of contrast is to elucidate ideas and clear their meanings, readers can easily understand through this device what is going to happen next. Through opposite and contrasting ideas, writers make their arguments stronger, thus making them more memorable for readers due to emphasis placed on them.

What is the sibling contrast effect?

We also use the phrase imitation/contrast as a synonym for sibling effects. We define imitation as an active process that makes siblings similar to one another. Contrast refers to sibling effects that create phenotypic dif- ferences within a sibship.

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