Where does the word provisions come from?

Where does the word provisions come from?

The Old French noun comes from Latin prōvisiō (stem prōvisiōn- ) “an act or action of seeing ahead, foresight, provision (against something),” a derivative of the verb prōvidēre “to see ahead, in advance, or beforehand; consider or take steps in advance; exercise forethought or caution; supply, provide.” Prōvidēre is a …

What is a basic provision?

Basic Provisions means the terms and information set forth on the immediately preceding page of this Agreement.

What is the vocabulary of provisions?

provision Add to list Share. A provision is a store or supply of something, like food or clothing. This noun can also describe the planning you do for “when something happens.”

What part of speech is provisions?


What is an example of a provision?

Examples of provisions include accruals, asset impairments, bad debts, depreciation, doubtful debts, guarantees (product warranties), income taxes, inventory obsolescence, pension, restructuring liabilities and sales allowances. Often provision amounts need to be estimated. Why Are Provisions Created?

What is the verb form of provision?

provisioned; provisioning\ prə-​ˈvi-​zhə-​niŋ , -​ˈvizh-​niŋ \ Definition of provision (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. : to supply with needed materials (such as food) : to supply with provisions.

How do you use the word provision?

Use “provision” in a sentence | “provision” sentence examples

  1. The local provision of facilities is decidedly patchy.
  2. Several firms are responsible for the provision of cleaning services.
  3. The government is responsible for the provision of education for all the children.
  4. Provision of shelter was their main concern.

How do you use provision?

Provision in a Sentence 🔉

  1. The tax provision ensures lenders will not raise interest rates above a certain percentage.
  2. Since Ann’s grandfather gifted her with a financial provision in his will, she will never have to worry about money.

What is the root word of provision?

During the 14th and 15th centuries, words rooted in Latin vidēre, meaning “to see,” began to emerge in English—for example, provision, an early 14th-century word that can mean “the act or process of supplying or providing something” or “a stock of needed material, supplies, or food,” with the connotation that it is …

What is divine provision?

Divine provision is; Getting constant supplies from God. Receiving directly from God. When your source is not from man, but from God almighty. The supernatural way God sustains His own people on earth. Divine provision is; Getting constant supplies from God.

Which is the correct definition of provision?

What is a provision? A liability of uncertain timing or amount.

What does provision mean in school?

Special educational provision

What are the types of provisions?

Types of Provisions in Accounting

  • Restructuring Liabilities.
  • Provisions for bad debts.
  • Guarantees.
  • Pension.
  • Depreciation.

What means major provision?

noun. a clause in a legal instrument, a law, etc., providing for a particular matter; stipulation; proviso. the providing or supplying of something, especially of food or other necessities.

What special needs provision is there in typical schools?

Special education aims to provide accommodated education for students with disabilities such as learning disabilities (such as dyslexia), communication disorders, emotional and behavioral disorders (such as ADHD), physical disabilities (such as osteogenesis imperfecta, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, spina bifida.

What is the most common type of special needs?

Some of the most common special needs that young children are diagnosed with are: speech and/or language delays, Autism Spectrum Disorder, cognitive delays, social and emotional disorders, and learning differences/disabilities.

What is the common type of special needs?

There are four major types of special needs children: Physical – muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, chronic asthma, epilepsy, etc. Developmental – down syndrome, autism, dyslexia, processing disorders. Behavioral/Emotional – ADD, bi-polar, oppositional defiance disorder, etc.

What is a special child?

By. a child with special needs for education and training. They may have learning disabilities, mental retardation or emotional problems. SPECIAL CHILD: “Joe was considered to be a special child due to his physical disabilities.”

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