Who is a minor character in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow?

Who is a minor character in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow?

Ichabod Crane, fictional character, a lanky and unattractive schoolmaster who is the protagonist of Washington Irving’s short story “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” Ichabod Crane is quite poor, and his main interest is self-advancement.

Is Sleepy Hollow a real town?

Sleepy Hollow is a real place, of course, as is Tarrytown. As a town, “the legacy of Sleepy Hollow and that of Washington Irving are closely shared,” according to Henry Steiner, official historian for the Village of Sleepy Hollow. “Sleepy Hollow has been influenced by Irving, and Irving by Sleepy Hollow.

Who is Ichabod’s rival?

ichabod crane rival
Ichabod Crane rival
Ichabod Crane rival

Who are the rivals for Katrina’s affections?

Within the context of the story, the men are rivals for the affections of Katrina Van Tassel, the most desirable young woman in the vicinity of Tarry Town. Brom was considered her undisputed favorite until Ichabod came to town to teach at the local school.

What does Ichabod desire the most?

Man, oh man, is Ichabod greedy. He’s mad with desire for wealth, power, and status. After all, the only reason he wants to marry Katrina is so he can strike it rich.

Was Ichabod Crane a bad guy?

Many people believe Ichabod is more of a villain, since he wants Katrina’s money and only loves her for her beauty, and some argue that Brom Bones is more of a hero since he doesn’t do anything really bad (especially as the Headless Horseman was also implied to have been the real deal and not Bones disguised as him).

Does Katrina marry Brom Bones?

In “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,” Brom Bones marries Katrina Van Tassel after scaring her other suitor, Ichabod Crane, out of Sleepy Hollow.

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