What happened to woozworld?

What happened to woozworld?

Woozworld was mainly created for Tweens to express themselves in different ways. On July 8, 2019, it was released that the mobile gaming brand Azerion has acquired Woozworld.

Does woozworld exist?

We’re excited to officially announce that a non-flash version of Woozworld will be ready for you by December 2020. As months progressed, we were able to find a better solution (Woozworld 10) and will be discontinuing Woozworld Desktop to focus on the Woozworld 10 beta.

How do you create a Woozworld account?

Go on the website: http://woozworld.com and press the button that says: ” Not a member? Join now!” Pick the gender that you are for you and your avatar. Choose the avatar you like the best ( don’t worry if the avatars don’t look nice,as you level up and get more nice clothes, you will look awesome!).

Is woozworld safe?

Parental consent is required to play Woozworld Woozworld is a safe environment for tweens to socialize where we strictly guard the personal information of our users and do not share any user information with other parties. We offer real-time, safe chat that is GDPR compliant.

Is woozworld dead?

As KountVonKlokz he is purely evil but in 2015, he went from a villain to an antihero….Character Information.

Also known as: Zack, Zackary, KountVonKlokz (until 2015)
Status: Deceased antihero
Age: died age 25 (October 4, 1989-July 31, 2015)

Is woozworld kid friendly?

Woozworld is a virtual world and social networking site for Tweens and Teens, where your child can express his or her creativity in a fun and a safe environment. Woozworld is a browser-based virtual world, therefore, no downloads are required to play online.

Did woozworld Get rid of pets?

In 2012, they were downgraded to a Shopz item with their food and tricks. As of 2020, they are not sold in the Shopz anymore, but Woozens who bought them can still keep them and they do not need to be fed, trained, cleaned etc. As of 2021, in the new Woozworld 10 10.0 update, WooPetz have been removed.

How do you get WOOZ on Woozworld?

Complete tasks like downloading and running an app, completing a survey, or playing a game online, and then you’ll be rewarded with Wooz! After you finish an offer, go back to TapJoy and click on the Track Rewards tab to see if your offer has been completed, or if you have to wait to be rewarded.

How long does limit last on Woozworld?

Shop Podz owners can sell a maximum of 200 items per hour. Once the limit is reached, the cool down period is 1 hour.

How do you sell clothes on Woozworld?

Click on Your items on the bottom right corner of your Marketplace window. Click on “ADD ITEM” , this will open your inventory, simply drag and drop the item. You can also add items directly from your inventory as show below; Set the quantity and the price you want to sell your items for.

What is BEEX?

Beex is one of the two currencies that Woozworld uses. It is now used for the main currency of Woozworld. When Woozens do an event of ‘sales’ or ‘rares’, they sell them with beex as it is the only currency you can sell items with.

How do you trade non tradable items in Woozworld?

How to Transfer Things that are Not Transferable

  1. Go onto the account with the non-transferable item you would like to transfer.
  2. Wear the item.
  3. Click “New Tab” and go to Woozworld, sign out of the account with the non-transferable item, and log in to the account without the non-transferable item.

What was woozworld originally called?

Kidstudio 2.0

Who owns woozworld?

Azerion BV

Who is Woozworld CEO?

Nicolas Lee (Jun 2, 2015–)

What year was Woozworld launched?


How do you change your username on Woozworld?

How do I change my username? If you meet the criteria to change your username, You can purchase a username change ticket from the Woozworld Store on web, desktop and app. After purchasing, when you connect to world you will see a window on the left of your screen about changing your username.

How do I contact woozworld?

If you have questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact us at +1 (514) 281-8999 or [email protected].

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