What is the second most expensive Ferrari?

What is the second most expensive Ferrari?

Estimated Value: $52 Million The second most expensive Ferrari in the world is this 1963 250 GTO. These particular models are considered ‘the ultimate car’ by collectors as only 39 were made and were each built by hand.

Is Ferrari 250 GTO most expensive car?

The current record for world’s most expensive car was set in June 2018 when a 1963 250 GTO (chassis 4153GT) was sold to David MacNeil in a private sale for $70 million.

What do NS stand for?

Acronym Definition
NS Nova Scotia
NS Nintendo Switch
NS Not Sure (survey response)
NS Natural Selection

How do you ask for opinion?

Asking for Opinions

  1. Do you think … ?
  2. How do you feel about … ?
  3. In your opinion, … ?
  4. Please tell me your opinion on …
  5. What do you think about … ?
  6. What’s your opinion on … ?

What is another word for in my opinion?

To my mind, “to my mind” can work in lieu of “in my opinion”. Futhermore, and from my standpoint/perspective, “from my standpoint/perspective” can also work in lieu of “in my opinion”… As anotherdave said, don’t say it unless it needs to be said.

What does it mean when someone says you’re out there?

adjective. Someone or something that is out-there is very extreme or unusual. [informal]

What is an out there personality?

Someone or something that is out-there is very extreme or unusual. [informal] It takes a certain type of person to carry off the more out-there looks. ‘out-there’

What’s a word for out there?

What is another word for out-there?

unconventional nonconformist
heretical heterodox
iconoclastic dissentient
dissenting dissident
rebellious schismatic

What is putting yourself out there?

“Putting oneself ‘out there’ simply means being open and honest about who you are and how you feel. It’s a key step in creating a deep connection with someone else,” life and dating coach Elaine Beth Cohen tells Bustle.

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