What should I watch if I liked 50 Shades of GREY?

What should I watch if I liked 50 Shades of GREY?

Films Similar to 50 Shades of Grey

  • Pretty Woman.
  • Basic Instinct.
  • Mr. And Mrs. Smith.
  • Nymphomaniac.
  • Wild Things.
  • Cruel Intentions.
  • Friends With Benefits.
  • No Strings Attached.

What guys can learn from 50 shades of GREY?

Here are the seven things that you can learn from Christian Grey that will help you be a better boyfriend/husband/partner.

  • Single-Minded Attention. Christian is supremely single minded when it comes to Anastasia.
  • Unapologetic Sexual Desire.
  • Driven.
  • Love and Affection.
  • Decisive.
  • Intentionality.
  • Willingness To Be Vulnerable.

Should men read Fifty Shades?

While 50 Shades has a great sexual content, it also has great insight to enable men to be better partners, lovers and friends to their romantic partners. It’s a book that’s entertaining and enlightening, sexy and stimulating. Most importantly, it’s a book that need not be reserved for women only.

Should I watch Fifty Shades of GREY with my boyfriend?

Fifty Shades of Grey is a cultural zeitgeist, you can’t help but be at least a little intrigued. Even if you weren’t a fan of the books, or if you haven’t even read them, you still probably want to see the movie… at least a bit. (Or a lot, let’s be real.)

What is Draco Malfoy’s Boggart?

Much of what is known about the characters’ Boggarts comes from the video game, LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4. In this game, it becomes clear that Draco Malfoy’s Boggart is Lord Voldemort. Draco fears Voldemort intimidating and manipulating the Malfoy family.

What is Draco Malfoy’s favorite song?

1. Draco Malfoy – Demons by Imagine Dragons.

What did Ginny smell in Amortentia?

Harry Potter smelt treacle tart, the woody scent of broomstick handle, and “something flowery that he thought he might have smelled at the Burrow” (which he later realised was the smell of Ginny Weasley).

Did Ginny and Dean sleep together?

I would not be surprised to find out that she did have sex with Dean. I know she wasn’t in love with him, but I could see her doing it to prove to herself that she was not in love with Harry, which she clearly was.

What is Ginny’s Amortentia?

Ginny cares incredibly much about her family, and will fight to the death to protect each and every one of them. Very unlike Harry, Ginny has always had a safe and loving home that she values above all else. For this reason, I would say that Ginny smells the Burrow: long grass and dust and her mother’s mince pies.

Who was Hermione’s crush?

Ron also becomes infuriated, when Hermione goes to the Yule Ball with Victor Krum during the fourth book. In turn, Hermione was a little jealouse of Ron’s crush on Fleur Delacour….Hermione Granger.

Love Interest
Alias None
Origin Harry Potter novels/films
Occupation Witch and Hogwarts Student

Who is Harry’s crush?

Cho Chang is well known for being Harry Potter’s first crush, first kiss, and first girlfriend in the Harry Potter books and films.

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