Where do you find the fovea Palatinae?

Where do you find the fovea Palatinae?

The fovea palatinae are a set of two small depressions in the posterior aspect of the hard palate where it meets the soft palate on either side of the midline.

What is over post damming?

Medical Definition of postdam : a posterior extension of a full denture to accomplish a complete seal between denture and tissues.

What is posterior palatal seal area?

Abstract. The posterior palatal seal area is defined as the soft tissue area at or beyond the junction of the hard and soft palates on which pressure within physiologic limits can be applied by a removable complete denture to aid in its retention.

What is the purpose of a posterior palatal seal?

The posterior palatal seal functions to provide retention and stability of a well-adapted denture through forces of adhesion, cohesion and interfacial surface tension by providing a proper seal, prevents food accumulation between posterior border of denture and soft palate, to reduce the tendency of gag, to make the …

How do you get a vibrating line?

The anterior vibrating line can be visualized by asking the patient to say ‘ah’ in short vigorous bursts or by asking the patient to perform the Valsalva maneuver. The posterior vibrating line lies in the area of the junction of the aponeurotic portion of the soft palate and the muscular portion of the soft palate.

What is anterior vibrating line?

The anterior vibrating line is an imaginary line located at the junction of the attached tissues overlying the hard palate and the movable tissues of the immediately adjacent soft palate. The anterior vibrating line is always on soft palatal tissues.

What is the residual ridge?

Residual ridge is a term used to describe the shape of the alveolar ridge after healing of bone and soft tissues following tooth extraction. Epithelial tissues begin its proliferation and migration within the first week and the disrupted tissue integrity is quickly restored.

Does maxilla or mandible resorb faster?

Pattern of resorption : The speed and direction of alveolar bone loss is not similar in maxilla and mandible. Mandible resorbs at a faster rate than maxilla. Mandible resorbs downwards & outwards to become wider, while maxilla resorbs upwards & inwards to become smaller.

How do you take impressions on a flabby ridge?

Methods applied for flabby ridge management, include surgical removal and augmentation, special impression techniques, balanced distribution of occlusal loads and implant therapy. Special impressions often involve window technique for static impression of flabby area, which present multiple challenges.

What is residual alveolar ridge?

 “Residual alveolar ridge is the portion of the alveolar ridge and its soft tissue covering which remains following the removal of or loss of teeth. [ GPT-8]

What is an alveolar ridge?

The alveolar ridge is a small protuberance just behind the upper front teeth that can easily be felt with the tongue. The major part of the roof of the mouth is formed by the hard palate in the front, and the soft palate or velum at…

What causes residual ridge resorption?

The factors influencing bone resorption in young adults are primarily those of traumatic and inflammatory nature, with pressure, tension, stress, and nutrition playing the dominant part. Control of resorption for this age group can be managed effectively by sound prosthetic procedures and adequate dietary measures.

What is an alveolar process?

The alveolar process, which is also called the alveolar bone, is the thick ridge of bone which contains the tooth sockets. In humans, these bones that contain the teeth are the maxilla and the mandible. The curved portion of each alveolar process on the jaw is the alveolar arch.

What happens to alveolar bone after extraction?

Most of the bone loss occurs during the first six months after the procedure. Afterward, the resorption rate increases at a pace of 0.5–1% on average annually [3,6,7]. Moreover, an estimated 50% of the alveolar bone width is lost within 12 months after the extraction, 30% of which occurs within the first 12 weeks.

How many alveolar processes are there?

There are two alveolar processes — the alveolar process of maxilla is on the top part of the mouth, just under the maxillary sinus, and the alveolar process of mandible is on the lower part of the mouth, just above the jawbone.

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