Where is the Earth Crystal ff4?

Where is the Earth Crystal ff4?

Located in the forested area on the west side of the map (northwest of Banon), you’ll need to land your airship in the little non-forested patch adjacent to the town. The town itself has some goodies to find right off the bat, so we’ll take care of that before proceeding.

What level should I be for Tower of Zot?

Make sure Cecil is at least level 34. The battle with Barbariccia isn’t an easy one. As soon as you find yourself on the world map, head back to town. Use the inn and then come back out and save your game.

How do you get to Lodestone Cavern?

Simply grab a Black Chocobo. Once airborne fly east. Once you hit a range of mountains across a small sea fly south. The Island the range of mountains you just hit is where the cavern is.

Where is magnetic cave ff4?

Quests. The Lodestone Cavern, also known as the Magnetic Cave, Magnetic Cavern, or Cave Magnes, is a cave in Final Fantasy IV, located on a small, densely forested island to the northeast of Troia. The cave is home to the Dark Elf, who stole the Earth Crystal from Troia.

How do I get Rainbow Pudding ff4?


  1. The answer to Tequila_Shot crystal armor peice is the crystal mail.
  2. Personally, i got really lucky, and got rainbow pudding in the antlion’s den on my first time around.
  3. To get the Rainbow Pudding quickly, go to Antilion’s Den B2 and go to the treasure room on the east side of map.

How do I get sirens in ff4?

Siren is an item that can only be used in Quest Medleys. It summons fearsome foes to the next Battle Music Sequence the player can reach. It can only be used once per Chaos Map. It can be obtained randomly after completing a Music Stage.

How do I get adamant armor in ff4?

Adamant Armor is the strongest armor only obtained if the player brings a Pink Tail to the Tail Collector at Adamant Isle Grotto.

What is the meaning of a rat tail?

1 : a horse’s tail with little or no hair. 2 : grenadier sense 2.

Who do I sell the rat tail to?

Rat Tail can be sold to the Adventurer who is also just outside the Synthesis Shop. The Rat Tail is normally purchased for around 17,000 gil and can be sold to the Adventurer for 20,000 gil on the first offer or 25,000 gil on the second offer.

How old is rydia?

16 years old

Can rydia learn meteor?

Meteor is learned by Rydia (level 65), Golbez (level 60), and Palom (level 50).

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