How do you summon Espers?

How do you summon Espers?

You don’t want to be stuck with an Esper that unlocks abilities that are of no help to your character. These Esper Summons have no charge time, and replace two of your characters in battle. They can easily be summoned via the main battle menu under ‘Mist’, and can even be performed when your characters are silenced.

Where can I find Espers?

You will unlock your first esper, Siren, as part of the story. Other espers can be obtained after defeating them in a dungeon. To gain benefits of an esper, you have to equip it to a unit, located in the units menu, just below the units.

Does it matter who gets what Esper?

It doesn’t matter which CHARACTER gets an Esper, but it does matter which JOB gets an Esper. Because Espers often unlock access to isolated parts of the license board, there are certain jobs that benefit a lot from particular Espers, while others don’t get any bonuses out of them.

Who should I give Shemhazai to?

License Board Unlocks Suggestion: Giving Shemhazai to your Archer will allow them to wear the best heavy armors in the game. Giving your Red Battlemage status removing skills will also be sure to come in handy. If your Red Battlemage and your Archer are the same character, then this is an easy choice to make.

What level should I be to beat Cuchulainn?

We’d recommend your level is in the mid to high 40s for this one mainly because the fight features a lot of HP draining status effects for which armour or protective accessories do nothing, so characters at too low a level may die before they’ve had a chance to take their first action!

How do I get into the Garamsythe waterway?

The Garamsythe Waterway spans the underneath of the city, and is accessed via Lowtown. After the Esper Zalera is defeated deep within the Barheim Passage, a zoning point to the waterway becomes available.

What class should balthier be?

Balthier: Recommended Jobs The Shikari class makes sense, because this is one of the classes in the game with access to some pretty good weapons early on. Coupled with Balthier’s good physical strength stat, you have a character who could be of great help against some early bosses.

How do I get out of Garamsythe waterway?

It is part of the route that you took earlier in the game to escape from the palace. Just find your way back to the blue save crystal in the upper middle part of the map. To simplify, from the spot where the White Mousse is, when facing north, just go all the way west, then work you way north.

What class makes Fran?

Fran: Recommended Jobs Fran can use an MP-based job to go hand in hand with her accuracy from far, and she is still a decent Archer. Fran’s stats don’t jump across the board. The Machinist class, however, isn’t dependent on stats as much as any other job, and Fran makes for a great gunner from afar.

How old is Fran ff12?

Ashe is 28, Balthier is 34, Fran is old, Bashe is 45.

What is the best license for penelo?

Zodiac Jobs and the License Board explained – which class should you pick in Final Fantasy 12?

Job Attack Type Suggested Characters
Shikari Melee Vaan
White Mage Magic Ashe Penelo
Uhlan Melee Vaan Basch Penelo
Machinist Ranged Melee Fran

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