What is the 53 country code?

What is the 53 country code?

Telephone numbers in Cuba

Continent the Americas
Access codes
Country calling code +53
International call prefix 011

What is the 538 area code?

Area Code 538 History: Area Code 538 has not been assigned for use by the North American Numbering Plan Administrator. Area Code 538 is officially planned as a General Purpose area code which is typically assigned to a geographic area. If you receive a phone call from area code 538 it is a spam call.

What country code is 43?

Austria Country

Which country has +60 code?

International Dialing Code

Serial No. Country Name Dialing Codes
128 MALDIVES 960
129 MALI 223
130 MALTA 356

How do you call +48?

(If you are behind a switchboard you may have to dial ‘0’ or ‘9’ (or another number) to get an external line.)…How the number is composed.

Number Comments
48 48 is the international code used to dial to Poland.
22 22 is the local area or city code used to dial to Warsaw.

What is the country code for calling Poland?


How do I call a Polish mobile?

Poland’s telephone numbers are made up of 9 numbers split into groups of 3. So if you’re going to make a call to Poland using a mobile phone, you should dial country code+area code+7-digit number. Some of the common area codes in Poland include Warsaw (22), Krakow (12) and Lodz (42).

How can I add polish number in Whatsapp?

How to add an international phone number

  1. Open your phone’s address book.
  2. When adding the contact’s phone number, start by entering a plus sign (+).
  3. Enter the country code, followed by the full phone number.

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