What is the input of a smoke detector?

What is the input of a smoke detector?

Input Devices – Smoke detectors and alarm call points that will trigger the alarm. Output Devices – The alarm sounder, including bells, sirens and flashing lights etc. Control Equipment – monitoring of the system, status and fault finding, silencing and resetting the alarm.

What is a duct smoke detector?

A duct smoke detector is a device or group of devices used to detect the presence of smoke in the airstream of ductwork sections of the HVAC air handling systems typically used in commercial buildings.

What are the components of fire alarm system?

What Are the Basic Components of Fire Alarm & Detection Systems?

  • Fire alarm initiating devices.
  • Fire notification devices.
  • Fire alarm control panel.
  • Primary power supply.
  • Backup power supply.

Where do you put a duct smoke detector?

To ensure correct operation, install the duct detector using the following guidelines: Install the duct smoke detector on a flat section of HVAC duct between six and ten duct widths from any bends or obstructions. Install supply-side detectors at a point downstream from the supply fan and after the air filter.

Do makeup air units require smoke detectors?

If there is a 100% outside air makeup air or ventilation unit, and it is over 2,000 cfm, is a smoke duct detector required? Answer: No. The minimum code requirements are for return air systems, and a 100% outside air system has no return.

Are duct detectors life safety?

Therefore, duct smoke detectors are typically considered mechanical equipment devices instead of life safety devices. Both the IMC and NFPA 90A state that, if multiple air handlers serve the same area and the combined air volume is greater than 2,000 cfm, detectors are required.

What is the most common type of residential fire safety alarm system?

Single-station smoke alarm

How do duct detectors work?

How Do They Work? Duct detectors sample currents in the air handling equipment to determine if smoke or fumes are present. If smoke is detected, the device will close dampers, stop fans and blowers, and trigger an audible and visible signal at the fire control panel, Kapparos explains.

What is the maximum allowed linear distance between pull stations?

The maximum distance between manual pull stations is 50 feet.

What does a smoke damper do?

Smoke dampers have two general functions: As part of a passive smoke system where they are generally activated by smoke detectors, which would also be situated within the duct. They close upon the detection of smoke and prevent the circulation of smoke and air through the duct or ventilation opening.

How do you test a duct detector?

Spray aerosol smoke* into the duct through the ΒΌ inch hole for five seconds. Wait two minutes for the duct smoke detector to alarm. If the duct smoke detector alarms, air is flowing through the detector.

How do you test a duct detector with a magnet?

Hold the magnet in place for 5-10 seconds until the alarm goes off. Keep the magnet still and wait 5-10 seconds. If the detector is working properly, the magnet will trick the magnetic reed inside of the sensor to trigger and the beeping alarm sound should fire. If it does, your detector is operating correctly.

How do I use a SDI duct check?

The Duct Checker is light weight, portable and battery operated making it easy to get to areas duct smoke detectors are commonly found. Simply connect the two provided hoses with variable size end plugs and power it on. Once the unit turns on, press down the “hold” button for three seconds to zero out the machine.

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