How much room is required around a fire extinguisher?
NFPA recommends one 2-A fire extinguisher for every 3,000 square feet. OSHA requires employees to have access to an extinguisher within 75 feet. Employees should have access to a fire extinguisher within either 30 or 50 feet, depending on the hazard in question and the rating of the extinguisher (see below).
What type of fire extinguisher do I need for my home?
The best type of fire extinguisher for a home is one that has a rating of 2A 10BC. Sometimes the rating may be written like this — 2A 10B C — but it’s the same thing. This kind of fire extinguisher is often labeled as an A-B-C extinguisher. Sometimes these extinguishers are referred to as ‘universal’ extinguishers.
Is code for fire extinguisher?
The details in regard to the maintenance are given in IS 2190 : 1992 ‘Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of portable first aid fire extinguishers ( third revision )’. This standard was first published in 1962 and revised in 1972, 1976 and 1985.
How do you determine how much fire extinguisher you need?
The calculation can be simplified by applying the rule of thumb that one 13A extinguisher covers 200 square metres of floor area. To calculate how many 13A extinguishers are required, divide the floor area by 200, and round up.
What is 13 a fire extinguisher?
Fire extinguishers for use on Class A fires, flammable solids such as paper, wood, textiles, are rated on their ability to extinguish test fires. The test rating is clearly displayed on the extinguisher label. As a general rule one 13A extinguisher covers 200 square meters.
Can you get free fire alarms?
So we have introduced a service where we can visit you, a loved one, or someone you care for at home to provide personalised advice about fire safety. It’s totally free, available 24/7, and we will even fit free smoke alarms during the visit if you need them.