What fires can carbon dioxide be used on?
CO2 fire extinguishers contain pure carbon dioxide which is a clean extinguishant, leaving no residue. Suitable for class B flammable liquid fires (petrol, oil, solvents), and recommended for use on live electrical equipment.
What is a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher?
Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are filled up with non-flammable carbon dioxide gas. A carbon dioxide (CO2) fire extinguisher is usually used for Class B (flammable liquids and gases) as well as Class C (electrical) fires as well. Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are filled up with non-flammable carbon dioxide gas.
What are the dangers of using a CO2 extinguisher?
The main danger with CO2 extinguishers is that they will cause upset in a confined space. They starve a fire of oxygen, but in a confined space they’ll also reduce the amount of oxygen available to breathe. Again, if children are going to be around the fire extinguisher, you have to be careful of accidental discharge.
Where would you use a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher?
CO2 fire extinguishers are mainly aimed at electrical fires but are also suitable for Class B liquid fires and are used in different ways depending on the type of fire they are being used on. Do not use CO2 extinguishers in small rooms as CO2 gas is poisonous at only 4% concentration and can kill at just 8%.
When should you not use carbon dioxide extinguisher?
Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, when used in the right circumstances can save lives. However, it would be dangerous to use a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher when dealing with flammable gases, cooking oils and fats, or in a confined space.
What should you not use a carbon dioxide extinguisher on?
Dangers: CO2 extinguishers should not be used on fires involving solid materials, such as paper, wood and fabric, and also are not suitable for use on flammable gases.
How many CO2 extinguishers do I need?
All premises with electrical equipment must have at least 2kg CO2 extinguishers. Where there is 415 volt rated equipment, then 5kg CO2 extinguishers are required.
What will happen if you use a CO2 extinguisher and hold the horn?
CO2 Gas, when released from an extinguisher, is ice cold. If holding the horn of a non-frost free horn, when using a CO2 extinguisher your horn and your hand will become frozen causing serious injury. Frost Free horns are designed to withstand the freezing gas, and can be held by the user.
What can CO2 fire extinguishers be used on?
CO2 extinguishers They are suitable for use on fires involving burning liquids (Class B), and electrical fires, such as of large computer equipment, so are practical in offices. CO2 works by suffocating the fire and does not cause damage to the electrical items or cause the system to short circuit.