What does each letter of race stand for?
Acronym. Definition. RACE. Rescue, Activate alarm, Confine the fire, Evacuate/Extinguish (NFPA/OSHA fire safety)
What does the C in race stand for fire?
An easy acronym to help staff retain the information is R.A.C.E., which stands for Rescue, Alert/Alarm, Confine/Contain, and Extinguish/Evacuate. Each of these steps should be accomplished while responding to a fire emergency at any location throughout the building.
What is pass and race?
The wording includes the RACE acronym/mnemonic of “Rescue, Alarm, Confine, Extinguish” for firefighting procedures as well as the PASS acronym/mnemonic of “Pull the pin, Aim at base of fire, Squeeze Handle, and Sweep side to side” for extinguisher usage.
What does C stand for in the acronym RACE?
Code Red. What does the acronym R.A.C.E. R = Remove/Rescue anyone in danger A = Activate the alarm and call for 911; C = Confine the Fire (close doors and windows); E = Extinguish the fire if safe to do so and evacuate. When is R.A.C.E.
What does the R in race mean?
What does Code Red in school mean?
A CODE RED alert indicates a potential or immediate threat within the building or on the campus and is the signal for a full scale lockdown of all classrooms. All students and all staff remain in or enter the nearest space and all classroom doors are locked.
What does Code Purple mean in school?
The building administrator is most often the purple-team leader. Other typical team members are a counselor, a nurse, school secretary or a custodian. In a code purple, the team usually is given the facts and is expected to help the team leader decide how to proceed.
What is code GREY in school?
A CODE GRAY is a weather warning. This means that severe weather is imminent. Please report immediately to storm drill locations. Keep all students inside.
What does Code Green in a hospital mean?
What does code gray mean at a hospital?
What does Code White at Walmart mean?
Other Walmart Codes: Code White – Accident. Code C – Customer service or cashier needed. Code 300 or Department 51 – Security.
What does a gray alert mean?
A message announced over a hospital’s public address system, indicating the need for an emergency management response to. (1) A combative person with no obvious weapon. (2) Real or perceived act of terrorism from conventional, nuclear, biological or chemical agents, or other security emergency.
What is a black alert?
The “black alert” is the highest and is issued when a hospital is “struggling or unable to deliver comprehensive care” and patient safety is at risk.