Why does the man need to build the second fire?

Why does the man need to build the second fire?

He has learned from the old-timer on Sulfur Creek that he must build a second fire to prevent frostbite to his foot which would prevent him from walking.

Why must the man stop and build a second fire to build a fire?

1. Why must the man stop and build a second fire? The snow shakes loose (capsizes) and snuffs out the fire. His hands are so frozen that he cannot move them to start the fire.

What happens to the man’s second fire in to build a fire?

In Jack London’s β€œTo Build a Fire,” the man builds three fires. The second fire goes out because the man makes a mistake: he builds the fire under a pine tree. Eventually, this snow falls onto the fire itself, extinguishing it and leaving in its place β€œa pile of fresh snow.” This is how the second fire goes out.

Why does the man’s first fire go out in to build a fire?

He built his first fire in order to thaw out his frozen fingers and toes. The man managed to build a third fire, using his remaining 70 matches at once in his frozen hands, but a piece of moss smothered the fire, leaving the man without a way to build another, and leaving him alone to deal with the elements.

What was the man Biggest Mistake in to build a fire?

He steps into the icy water under the snow by the river. The man makes the fatal mistake of building a fire to thaw out his foot under some snowy branches and the fire is put out by the melting snow.

Does the dog die in to build a fire?

The main character’s companion dog, Pepper, ultimately lives. No dogs die, but don’t watch this if you’re sensitive to animal cruelty. …

What is the actual temperature to build a fire?

In “To Build a Fire,” the temperature is 75 degrees below zero.

What does the dog symbolize in to build a fire?

The Dog. The dog in “To Build a Fire” represents animal instinct and acts as a bridge between humans and the natural world. The dog is clearly still a part of the natural world as it retains its instincts and understands how to survive the cold weather without human tools.

Why does the dog survive in to build a fire?

By the end of the story, he dies as a result of his arrogance. Through this story, London shows how the man’s demise is due to his humanity and lack of knowledge when entering this journey. Also, he shows that the dog survives because of following its instincts which is something that the man does not pay attention to.

What does the dog do after the man dies in to build a fire?

After the man dies in “To Build a Fire,” the dog waits for him to move again. Eventually, the dog comes closer, realizes the man is dead, leaves his corpse, and heads back to the camp to seek safety, fire, and food.

How does the man treat his dog in to build a fire?

When the dog breaks through, the man builds a fire, eats his lunch, thaws out the dog, and then continues on. The relationship between the man and the dog is not personal, but purely the man using the dog to help himself and the dog staying with him because he can provide fire and warmth.

What problems does the man face in to build a fire?

He struggles with wet feet, matches, snow, even the dog, in his attempts to combat the cold. An internal conflict would be his underestimation of his own ability to stay alive in such extreme weather: he ignored advice of the Old Timer who warned him that the temperature was too cold.

What does the man’s failure to build a fire symbolize?

The man’s failed attempt to build fire is a symbol of his failure control/conquer/overpower nature. He feels that he is superior to nature because he is a man, and because of this is arrogant about the danger of his situation.

What happens to the man when he starts his third fire?

What happens to the man when he starts his third fire? He starts it quicker than the other two. He takes more time than the other two. He starts his own hand on fire.

What is the moral lesson of to build a fire?

The moral lesson in Jack London’s short story “To Build a Fire” is that people should not think they are more powerful than nature. In addition, people should listen to others who have more experience than they do.

What morals did the older miner gave to the man?

1. The older miner advised him that never to travel alone if the temperature was under 50degrees below zero. 1. The older miner advised him that never to travel alone if the temperature was under 50degrees below zero.

What happens when the man stops to eat in to build a fire?

The man stops for lunch and is happy because he thinks he is making good time for his journey. He takes off his gloves to get his food and his hands get real cold real quick. The man is a bit frightened because it is so cold, but he builds a fire and gets warm. The dog is happy.

What happens to the man’s first attempt to build a fire?

What happens during the man’s first attempt to build a fire? How does his second attempt fare in comparison? The protagonist of Jack London short story builds three fires on his journey on the wildness. He builds a small fire which melts the ice on his face and allows him to eat his lunch.

What did the man have for lunch in to build a fire?

He hit his hand against his leg several times until he felt a sharp pain. Then he quickly put his glove on his hand. He made a fire, beginning with small pieces of wood and adding larger ones. He sat on a snow-covered log and ate his lunch.

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