Do corydoras clean tanks?

Do corydoras clean tanks?

As a small bottom feeder, the cory catfish is an extremely efficient cleaner. It will scavenge the leftovers that have sunk to the bottom, cleaning up after messier fish that feed at the surface and midlevel of the tank. This makes it easier for the catfish to dig for stray bits of food at the bottom.

What does a cory catfish eat?

Speaking of diet, corydoras are not picky eaters and will eat anything small or soft enough to fit in their mouths. They love worms of all types, so try live blackworms, frozen bloodworms, and Hikari Vibra Bites (tiny food sticks that look like bloodworms).

Do Cory Doras eat algae?

When it comes to corydoras food, they will eat many different plants, they love to eat algae, and they tend to eat all manner of food which other fish have left around. They are definitely not picky.

Do Swordtails eat algae?

Swordtail fish will accept a wide variety of foods. You can give them quality flake food or live foods like bloodworms, daphnia, brine shrimp, mosquito larvae, or fruit flies, as they will eat virtually anything. Swordtail fish eat a lot of algae and other vegetation in their natural habitat.

How many Swordtails should be kept together?

Keeping Swordtail Fish Together Males usually display aggression towards each other, so in smaller tanks (15 gallons) only keep one male. A bigger tank (30+ gallons) can hold more males – make sure to keep a ratio of one male for every four females.

What fish are compatible with Swordtails?

The Swordtail is an omnivore that will eat commercially prepared flaked foods and algae, as well as freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex, and brine shrimp. Ideal tank mates include: Guppies, Platies, Mollies, Tetras, Rasboras, Gouramis, Rainbowfish, Danios, Angelfish, Plecos and Scavenger Catfish.

Are Swordtails fish aggressive?

Swordtails are generally very peaceful and make excellent community fish. Males can however turn aggressive towards each other once they reach sexual maturity, so it is advisable to house only one male with several females in an aquarium.

Will Swordtails eat Tetras?

Some species of tetra can live with red swordtails. Since swordtails tend to measure between 4 and 4 1/2 inches long, larger tetras are better suited so they don’t end up getting bullied. If you’re unsure whether a particular species is compatible, check with a specialist aquarium supply store or fish breeder.

Are swordtail fish fin nippers?

Swordtails are generally suitable for keeping in community tanks with other medium sized fish. Some adult Swordtails can be aggressive and develop the habit of fin nipping. Colour and Varieties. Wild Swordtails are generally a dull green colour with a small extension to the tail fin.

Why do fish bite each other’s tails?

Fin nipping is a common problem. Usually, it happens because you have a territorial or aggressive fish. It’s hard to give an exact reason without knowing any details about your setup or the species of fish you have. It could be that the offender is a naturally aggressive species and shouldn’t be in a community tank.

What does Fin nipping look like?

Nipping is just that – nips in the fins. It shouldn’t look white, red, black or any other color other than the fish’s color. Fin rot can be white around the edges, black is a sign of ammonia poisoning, and red streaking could be a bacterial infection that is pretty serious.

How can I tell if my fish has fin rot?

If your fish has fin rot, the edges of his fins will have an uneven, fuzzy white lining—this is a very common sign of fin rot. His fins will also develop red streaks from inflammation and bleeding. The affected areas may also have white dots, X Research source which could be indicative of a fungal infection.

Can Fin nipping lead to fin rot?

Fin rot is most often caused by a dirty tank and poor water quality, poor care, or exposure to other fish who may have contagious diseases. Fin rot can also be caused by injuries such as mishandling of fish or nipping and bullying behaviours from other tank mates.

Is Fin rot painful for fish?

Fin rot causes the fish to become listless. Your fish may also attempt to seek relief by rubbing itself against the tank and aquarium decorations. If fin rot is caused or aggravated by nipping, the fish will feel stressed or “bullied.” Overall, fin rot doesn’t cause any other behavioural problems.

What is the best treatment for fin rot?

Treatment. Treat with a suitable treatment such as phenoxyethanol, malachite green methylene blue or other proprietary agent (most seem to prefer aquarium salt; however, it is important to make sure the product is for freshwater, not saltwater, fish).

Is Fin rot contagious to other fish?

Like many other freshwater fish diseases, fin rot is contagious. The disease is caused by gram-negative bacteria. Bacteria can infect the water and cycle through your filtration system. This causes the bacteria to quickly spread and infect other fish.

How long does Fin Rot take to kill?

This depends on how bad the problem is to start with. By using King British Fin Rot & Fungus Control there should be an improvement in 4-5 days. Due to fish having open wounds it is very important to keep water quality pristine, to prevent secondary infection taking place.

How long does it take for fish fins to heal?

Fortunately, fish can regrow and heal their fins and tail. This regrowth process may take some time, but it’s not painful. You’ll notice your fish swimming around and developing its new fin within two months. You have to be careful and take important measures when your fish has a damaged fin.

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