Why does my boat hesitate when I accelerate?
If a Mercury outboard hesitates while accelerating, there’s something wrong with the motor. Poor acceleration is often described as bogging during acceleration, or surge on acceleration. And this problem often happens when accelerating from a stop, or when accelerating hard.
Why does my boat motor dies when I give it gas?
If the ratio of fuel to air becomes too high or too low, the engine will run poorly, especially while accelerating. Mixtures that have too much air and not enough fuel are lean and tend to reduce the amount of power available under load and can cause stalling.
How fast does a 115 hp bass boat go?
With a 115 HP engine in your pontoon boat you might expect to be able to go as fast as 25 to 31 miles per hour, depending on certain variables relating to your boat weight load, size and other adjustments.
Should you leave your outboard up or down?
Should I leave my engine up or down? Simply put, if you are leaving the boat in the water, leave it in the up position to avoid growth. If you are leaving it out of the water, trim it down to drain the water and protect the Power Tilt and Trim seals from the sun.
What happens if you don’t flush your outboard?
What we find is if you do not flush your motor as per the manufacturer’s specifications you will over time get a build-up of residual salt, and that salt will crystallize in the water flow galleries and being pressed against the alloy structure of the head they will slowly corrode and pit.
How often should you start your outboard motor?
A few hours every week keeps the motor in better shape than using it two or three full days every month. The more often it gets used, the better it will run, just like any vehicle. If it’s left sitting idle at the marina or in a garage for the majority of the time, parts tend to go bad faster.
Can you run an outboard motor without a thermostat?
Can I Run My Outboard Without The Thermostat? Yes, you can temporarily run your outboard without the thermostat and not harm the engine. No, you can not remove the thermostat and continue running the engine for long periods of time without causing harm to the engine.
What happens when you run an engine without a thermostat?
If you drive without a thermostat, your engine will never reach its optimal operating temperature and your heater may blow cold air. It happens because driving without a thermostat tricks your engine into thinking it is cold outside, causing it to adjust the gas mixing valve and push more fuel to the engine.
How do I know if my outboard thermostat is bad?
Symptoms of a failed thermostat (open position)
- Engine slow to warm up.
- Engine not reaching its correct operating temperature.
- Poor cold weather performance.
- Water flowing from the exhaust pipe at idle.
Is there a thermostat in an outboard motor?
One of the least appreciated components of an outboard motor is the lowly thermostat. That is made possible by having the proper engine temperatures and fuel mixtures. The brain of a thermostat is a component called a vernatherm that is fastened inside the thermostat housing.
How hot should a outboard motor run?
Raw water cooled engines should operate between 140 and 160 degrees. Fresh water engines should run at 170-210 degrees.
What temperature does a outboard thermostat open?
A thermostat is designed to hold the cooling water in the block until it reaches the temperature set by the engine manufacturer. Generally, this is between 50 and 60 degrees Celsius. It then opens to release the water before it gets too hot and overheats the outboard.
Where should water come out on an outboard motor?
The cooling system on an outboard is a very simple and compact application. Water is inducted through the lower unit by a water pump impeller, and then forced upward to circulate throughout the powerhead, and eventually exits through the exhaust system.
Why is my outboard not pumping water?
There are three reasons your outboard motor’s impeller won’t pump. The first is that the water stream fitting — the outlet hole for an outboard motor’s cooling system — is clogged. The second is that the water inlets are clogged; no water is getting to the pump, so it isn’t pumping.
Is water supposed to come out of exhaust on outboard?
Yes, water should come out of the prop hub with the exhaust. I would take it back to the shop that worked on it last, they goofed something up , or your water pump has gone bad.