What is a chub bait?

What is a chub bait?

Chub, any of several freshwater fishes of the carp family, Cyprinidae, common in Europe and North America. Chubs are good bait fish, and large specimens are caught for sport or food.

How do you catch chub fish?

I use crawlers as bait for catching creek chubs. The key is to use a VERY small piece on the hook. Almost the smaller, the better. Make sure you have a bunch of worms though as you can go through pieces fast.

What is the best Creek Chub Bait?

The Best Bait for Trapping Creek Chubs

  • Bread and Crackers. White bread rolled up into a ball and thicker crackers are good bait for creek chubs.
  • Dog and Cat Food. Both wet and dry dog and cat food work to catch creek chubs.
  • Dog Bones. Some anglers like to use a dog bones to catch creek chubs.
  • Cheese.
  • Flour.

How can you tell if a Creek Chub is male or female?

Male creek chubs are usually around 125 mm while females are 105 mm. They can be identified by the small “mustache” that appears on their upper lip. Creek chubs are covered in bony-ridge scales to aid their movement.

How do you date my Creek Chub lure?

Please note: the date (9-7-20) stamped into the metal lip of some Creek Chub lures is the patent date, not a manufacture date.

Are chubs invasive?

The chub is a European freshwater cyprinid which has been reported as an invasive species in Italy and targeted for removal from a river system where introduced in Ireland. It is a long lived fish and has high mobility due to its pelagic condition.

How long do chub fish live?

25 years

Where do creek chubs go in winter?

#2 Guest_fundulus_* Creek chubs probably head for deeper holes as cold winter takes hold, since it won’t freeze and may be a little warmer since the densest liquid water is 4 deg. C. But then, creek chubs can survive damn near anything as long as the water is liquid.

Do chub eat other fish?

In the United Kingdom, chub have been recorded feeding on worms, molluscs, crustaceans, and various insect larvae while large chub eat considerable numbers of small fish, such as chub, eels, common dace, common roach, gudgeon and minnows as well as frogs, crayfish, voles and young water birds.

How do you identify a chub?

A slender fish, the chub is greenish-silver in colour with reddish, rounded fins. It is larger than the dace and has redder fins; it is more slender than the roach.

What kind of fish is a Creek Chub?


What is the world record Creek Chub?

Hunter Pitt caught a state-record 11-ounce creek chub, a type of minnow, near Fremont.

Where do creek minnows go in winter?

Minnows can be hard to find in winter, especially if lakes and ponds or frozen over, but may still be found in some shallow areas near deep water and in places where green vegetation survives through the winter. Break a hole in the ice with an auger or drill.

Where do creek chubs live?

Creek chubs are distributed throughout most of the eastern United States and Southeastern Canada. They can be as far as Montana and Wyoming but are missing from Southern Georgia and Florida. It can quickly adapt to many different environments allowing it to live in different places.

Will creek chubs live in a pond?

Chubs live good in a pond and you don’t have to feed them. Stock them by where the water supply comes in.

What do you feed creek chubs?

Feed the chubs heavily on live and prepared foods, including blackworms and crushed snails. Should spawning occur remove the adults. Eggs hatch in 4-6 days.

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