What is the best definition of spear phishing?

What is the best definition of spear phishing?

Spear phishing is a phishing method that targets specific individuals or groups within an organization. While phishing tactics may rely on shotgun methods that deliver mass emails to random individuals, spear phishing focuses on specific targets and involve prior research.

What type of attack is spear phishing?

cyber attack

What is whale phishing?

Whaling, or whale phishing, is a kind of phishing attack where hackers target executives and high profile end users, using social-engineering tactics to trick them into initiating financial transactions or divulging sensitive information.

What are the types of phishing?

Email phishing is the most common type of phishing, and it has been in use since the 1990s. Hackers send these emails to any and all email addresses they can obtain. The email usually tells you there has been a compromise to your account and that you need to respond immediately by clicking on a provided link.

What are examples of tailgating attacks?

In a common type of tailgating attack, a person impersonates a delivery driver and waits outside a building. When an employee gains security’s approval and opens their door, the attacker asks that the employee hold the door, thereby gaining access through someone who is authorized to enter the company.

Is piggybacking illegal?

Piggybacking commonly occurs when a person uses their neighbor’s wi-fi without their permission, or when a person sitting in a car near a home accesses the resident’s wi-fi. Piggybacking is illegal according to the laws of several states, and also according to federal laws such as the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.

Can someone piggyback my Internet connection?

Definition. Wi-Fi piggybacking is the process of using someone’s Wi-Fi internet connection without their permission. Wi-Fi piggybacking is possible because many home networks are left unsecured or otherwise unprotected and anyone within the broadcast range of the Wi-Fi router will be able to connect.

What is tailgating access control?

Tailgating is one of the most common security breaches. The definition of tailgating is “an unauthorized person who follows an authorized person into a building.” In the case of a swing door, once the door has been opened by the authorized user it is possible for someone else, or multiple people, to enter.

What are the common tailgating methods?

There are a few common methods that criminals use to tailgate, including following an authorized person into a location while giving the appearance they are being escorted, or even joining a large crowd who are authorized to enter yet are not supervised.

How do you stop tailgating?

Tips to Avoid Tailgating

  1. Use the four-second rule.
  2. If driving conditions are particularly bad, like wet or icy roads, use an even longer following distance.
  3. Maintain a safe speed at all times.
  4. Use extra caution when approaching intersections, stop lights, and changing lanes.

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