What do you know about Australia country?

What do you know about Australia country?

Australia is an island continent and the world’s sixth largest country (7,682,300 sq km). Lying between the Indian and Pacific oceans, the country is approximately 4,000 km from east to west and 3,200 km from north to south, with a coastline 36,735 km long. Canberra is Australia’s capital city.

What does the Southern Cross represent on the Australian flag?

The stars of the Southern Cross represent our geographical position in the Southern Hemisphere, the Commonwealth Star symbolises our federation of States and Territories, and the Crosses stand for the principles on which our nation is based – namely, Parliamentary Democracy, Rule of the Law and Freedom of Speech.

What does the Commonwealth Star symbolize Australia?

Below the Union Jack is a white Commonwealth, or Federation, star. It has seven points representing the unity of the six states and the territories of the Commonwealth of Australia. It is a constellation of five stars that can only be seen from the southern hemisphere and is a reminder of Australia’s geography.

What are the symbols on the Australian flag?

The Australian flag uses three prominent symbols: Crux, the Union Jack and the Commonwealth Star. In its original usage as the flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the Union Flag combined three heraldic crosses which represent the constituent countries of the United Kingdom (as constituted in 1801):

What does the Commonwealth Star stand for?

the Commonwealth of Australia

What are the 4 stars on the New Zealand flag?

The stars on the Flag represent the Southern Cross constellation, emphasising New Zealand’s location in the South Pacific Ocean. The Union Jack in the top left-hand corner of the Flag recognises New Zealand’s historical foundations as a former British colony and dominion.

What do the colors on the Australian flag mean?

The Australian Aboriginal Flag is black, red and yellow. It has three important parts, and the most common interpretation of the colours is: The top half is black and represents the Aboriginal people of Australia. The bottom half is red and represents the earth and a spiritual relation to the land.

Why we should change the Aus flag?

The colours of our flag are out of line with our national colours, therefore we should change our flag to bring it in line. For many years green and gold had been used as our “national sporting colours”.

What does the New Zealand flag symbolize?

The New Zealand flag is the symbol of the realm, government and people of New Zealand. Its royal blue background is derived from the ensign of the Blue Squadron of the Royal Navy. The stars of the Southern Cross emphasise this country’s location in the South Pacific Ocean.

What does a flag Symbolise?

National flags are patriotic symbols with widely varied interpretations that often include strong military associations because of their original and ongoing use for that purpose. Flags are also used in messaging, advertising, or for decorative purposes. Some military units are called “flags” after their use of flags.

Why are flags so important?

A flag represents an idea, or an ideal. It is neither a mere piece of decoration, nor an object to be honoured for itself. It is honoured for what it represents. Many flags are held in high esteem for their history; for the sacrifices made by the people; for the qualities for which the country and people stand.

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