Why is it useful for camels to have large flat feet?

Why is it useful for camels to have large flat feet?

Camels have large flat feet so that there is a greater area in contact with the sand which produces less pressure on the sand and the camels can move easily on the sand.

Why camels have big wide feet?

Why do camels have broad feet? Camels have broad feet i.e., feet having a large are so that the pressure exerted on the sand is less due to their heavy weight. Therefore, camels do not dig deep in the sand dunes and can move freely.

How do camels feet help them?

Camels feet are wide so they can walk on sand more easily. Their huge feet help them to walk on sand without sinking into it. Camels have thick lips so they can eat the prickly desert plants with out feeling pain.

Why camels feet do not sink in the sand?

The hoofs (feet) of a camel have very large surface area. Being a massive animal it exerts small pressure on the surface of sand on account of its larger hoof area and consequently it does not sink in sand.

Why does a camel walk easily on sand?

Animals like camels walk easily in the desert as broad feet exert greater pressure on the sandy grounds. Hint:Pressure exerted is directly proportional to the applied force and is inversely proportional to the area of contact. This is following Pascal’s Law of pressure.

Why does a camel walk easily on sand but it is difficult for a man to walk on sand through a camel is much heavier than a man?

Answer: It is because camel’s feet have large surface area, the force of their weight is distributed over a large area of sand. The force per unit area or pressure produced on sand is large in this case due to which a man’s feet sink into sand and it becomes difficult for him to walk on sand.

Why is it hard to move on sand?

Since the particles of sand are small granules, when we move our feet through then, the granules also move, thus providing a very weak resistive force against our feet. Since the friction is less, it is difficult to walk on sand.

What is the camel called?

Extant species

Common name Scientific name Distribution
Dromedary / Arabian camel Camelus dromedarius Domesticated; the Middle East, Sahara Desert, and Afghanistan; introduced to Australia
Wild Bactrian camel Camelus ferus Remote areas of northwest China and Mongolia

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