Which of the following phylum have tube within tube body plan?

Which of the following phylum have tube within tube body plan?

phylum Annelida

Do echinoderms have a tube within a tube body plan?

Tube within a tube body plan, bilateral symmetry, organ level of organization, coelomates, and segmented. Tube within a tube, bilateral symmetry, organ level of organization, coelomates, and segmented. Echinodermata. Tube within a tube, radial symmetry, organ level of organization, coelomates, and non segmented.

How many of the following have tube within tube body plan?

So the correct answer is ‘ Aschelminthes (Round worms) ‘

Why nematodes are called tube within a tube?

Nematodes have been characterized as a tube within a tube ; referring to the alimentary canal which extends from the mouth on the anterior end, to the anus located near the tail. Nematodes possess digestive, nervous, excretory, and reproductive systems, but lack a discrete circulatory or respiratory system.

Which two organisms have a tube within a tube body plan?

Adult nematodes have a pseudocoelom (tube-within-a-tube), a closed fluid-filled space that acts as a hydrostatic skeleton, aids in circulation and dispersal of nutrients. Nematodes lack a circulatory system, but do have a well developed digestive system. Anatomy of a nematode.

What does a tube within a tube mean when referring to the earthworm’s body structure?

It refers to the development of a fluid-filled cavity between the outer body wall and the digestive tube.

What are the advantages of having a Coelom?

The advantages of the coelom are as follows:

  • The organs like that of the digestive tract need more space to grow.
  • Some organs like gonads need more space only during the breeding season.
  • Coelom also allows the formation of well-organized circulatory system with an efficient heart to draw blood from vessels.

What are three advantages of having a Coelom?

1 Answer. Some advantages of having a coelom in animal are independent movement of body wall and enclosed organs, more space for complex organs and organ systems, storage area for eggs and sperm.

What is Gonocoel theory?

Gonocoel theory: It regards the coelom as the cavity of an. expanded gonad and its origin is based on the common. association between the gonads and the coelomic epithelium. Bergh believed that coelom initially arose in a segmented condition by enlargement and cavitation of the gonads after the release of gametes.

How Enterocoelom is formed in echinodermata?

Enterocoelom – It is present in the deuterostomes. The coelom is formed from the fusion of the internal outgrowths of the archenteron, that pinches off and fuses together to form coelom lined by mesoderm.

Are Hemichordates Enterocoelomates?

– Hemichordates are the enterocoel with three different regions that are proboscis, collar, and trunk. It is also termed as enterocoelomates. It is present in most animals as the body cavity contains the digestive tract and other organs.

Do echinoderms have Enterocoelom?

Enterocoely is a process by which some animal embryos develop. Enterocoelom is a type of true coelom. Echinoderms and chordates have Enterocoelom.

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