How do butterflies survive?

How do butterflies survive?

Butterflies may survive cold weather by hibernating in protected locations. They may use the peeling bark of trees, perennial plants, logs or old fences as their overwintering sites. They may hibernate at any stage (egg, larval, pupal or adult) but generally each species is dormant in only one stage.

Do butterflies only live for one day?

However, contrary to popular belief, their life span isn’t as short as people think. The butterfly life span depends on its species and environment. The average life span of butterflies can be between a day to several months.

What do butterflies live on?

Some butterflies are happy to live and feed on several plants and can breed in a variety of places, including gardens and parks. Others are fussier and have very specific requirements. Habitat specialist butterflies and moths can disappear rapidly if the environment they rely on changes.

Do butterflies have a predator?

Butterfly’s are prey to a number of predators, which includes birds, spiders, lizards, small mammals and even other insects. These predators are looking for food and they’re looking to catch whatever prey is the easiest or closest to them.

Do birds kill butterflies?

Final Word. Yes, birds eat butterflies and also butterfly eggs, larva, and the caterpillars. So do frogs, spiders, dragonflies, lizards and snakes. It doesn’t harm the butterflies but it is toxic for predators who eat them and makes them sick.

How do butterflies protect their self?

Some butterflies protect themselves through camouflage—by folding up their wings, they reveal the undersides and blend in with their surroundings. Through this strategy, known as crypsis, they become nearly invisible to predators. Some butterflies simply fool their predators.

Where in the world do butterflies live?

Range. Butterflies are amazing insects that can be found all over the world! In fact, they live on every continent except Antarctica. Because they are cold-blooded creatures and typically need warm weather to survive, you are more likely to find them living in warm and tropical climates.

How do butterflies breathe?

Unlike people, butterflies don’t have lungs. Monarchs breathe through tiny openings on the sides of their bodies called spiracles. (The spiracles are in their cuticle, like our skin). The holes open into a system of tubes in their body (called trachea) that carry the oxygen all over their bodies.

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