What is the first thing flight attendants notice about passengers?

What is the first thing flight attendants notice about passengers?

Perhaps the very first thing the flight attendants notice about each passenger, according to Fashion Beans is their general presence. This means how well-groomed and dressed we are, to our body language upon boarding.

What do stewardess notice about passengers?

Flight attendants reveal the first things they notice when travelers board a plane. As they smile at you and welcome you aboard, flight attendants are actually assessing whether you’ll be a safety concern on the flight. They’re also checking you out to see whether you might be an asset in the case of an emergency.

Why do pilots say souls?

When an air traffic controller asks a pilot, during an emergency, for the number of souls on board, it communicates to the pilot that the controller and pilot are focusing extra hard together on solving the emergency successfully, and that one word tells the pilot that the controller is going to be marshalling …

What does Niner Niner mean?

Aviators often speak “pilot English” to avoid miscommunications over radio transmission. “Tree” for instance, means three, “fife” is the number five and “niner” means nine, says Tom Zecha, a manager at AOPA.

What does flying dirty mean?

The expression flying dirty refers to when the plane is traveling with all its slats, flaps and wheels hanging down.

What is dirty configuration?

A dirty configuration is a way of saying there are devices that are extended into the air that add drag, such as landing gear, flaps, etc. A clean configuration is when all those devices are retracted and the plane is at its most aerodynamic configuration.

What is clean wing?

For most airplanes, clean configuration means simply that the wing flaps and landing gear are retracted, as these are the cause of drag due to the lack of streamlined shape. On more complex airplanes, it also means that other devices on the wings (such as slats, spoilers, and leading edge flaps) are retracted.

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