Are south facing windows good for plants?
A south-facing window is an excellent place to keep indoor plants, as long as you keep the right types of indoor house plants and take steps to protect them from extreme direct sunlight. The bright natural light of southern exposure provides plenty of energy for plants that like south facing windows.
Can I put my plants in a west facing window?
East windows are often good for plants that need moderate sunlight or morning sunlight only. West-facing windows. Although they don’t get the same intensity of light as southern exposures, a west-facing window is a good place for your sun-loving plants.
What direction window is best for plants?
- South facing windows are the best with bright sun all day, good for any plants with variegation or trees like citrus and banana.
- West windows get a long period of direct sun, but usually miss the hottest most intense part of the day, which can damage some plants with medium light requirements.
Why are west facing windows bad?
West Facing Windows Like the East facing aspect, the sunlight is weaker than it would be around midday, but because the ambient temperature by this point of the day is likely to already be quite warm, overheating in these places can be a problem. Making sure ventilation is good and that the light becomes indirect.
What are the advantages of west facing house?
The main advantage of a west-facing home is the fact that you can get the warmth and glow of the evening sun until the late hours. Some people also believe that a house in the west direction will have more wealth and prosperity.
How do you deal with a west facing window?
For windows that are exposed to the sun such as west facing windows we recommend window blinds that are good insulators. The better they insulate the less heat gain you will get when the sun beats in saving you money. Top insulating blinds include honeycomb cell shades and shutters.
Is it better to have east or west facing windows?
East windows are usually welcome even in summer; they let in morning sunshine and chase off the nighttime chill. However, west windows are almost never energy winners—they overload the house with heat on summer afternoons. East-facing and west-facing glass work best if you choose glass with the right characteristics.
Why do houses not have windows on one side?
The most likely reason is that, in order to maximize internal square footage on a given small lot size, the new houses are built with minimum legal setbacks on the side yards (sometimes as little as 5 feet), and the neighboring houses are as well.
Why are south facing rooms hotter?
In the northern hemisphere, southern-facing rooms get hotter because of this sunlight. Installing the right drapes or blinds prevents the space from overheating. On the other hand, you can turn down your heat on a sunny winter’s day while you let the sun do the work.
How do you cool down a south facing house?
To keep your house cool, you need to keep the hot air out, so this means keeping windows – particularly south-facing windows – closed and covered with blinds or curtains during the day. Then at night time, when the temperature has dropped, you can open everything up, to give your house a good airing.
Do fans make the room warmer?
Ceiling fans heat the room But its effect on the room it’s in is to add heat. Why? Because electric motors are devices that turn electrical energy into mechanical energy, most of which ends up as heat. The infrared image below shows a ceiling fan motor that’s hotter than the room it’s in.
Should ceiling fans be left on all the time?
There is one good reason to leave the fan on, at least in summer. According to the Energy Star website, “dialing up the thermostat by only 2 degrees and using your ceiling fan can lower air-conditioning costs by up to 14 percent over the course of the cooling season.”
Should you run a ceiling fan in the winter?
Ceiling fan direction in the winter should be clockwise, and the fan should run at the lowest speed. This pulls cool air up toward the ceiling, which in turn displaces the warm air that rises and collects near the ceiling. A clockwise ceiling fan direction for high ceilings is especially important in winter.