What are the two antioxidants?

What are the two antioxidants?

Examples of antioxidants include vitamins C and E, selenium, and carotenoids, such as beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, and zeaxanthin.

What are antioxidants Name any two antioxidants Class 10?

It is found to strengthen our body. – There are various antioxidants, some of them are vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, selenium etc. – Let’s discuss about vitamin C as an antioxidant: – It is found that Vitamin C reduces the risk of heart disease, it also strengthens our body’s natural defences.

What are antioxidants explain with example?

Antioxidant: A substance that reduces damage due to oxygen, such as that caused by free radicals. Well-known antioxidants include enzymes and other substances, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta carotene, which are capable of counteracting the damaging effects of oxidation.

What is antioxidant property?

Antioxidant activity can be defined as a limitation or inhibition of nutrient oxidation (especially lipids and proteins) by restraining oxidative chain reactions. From: Olives and Olive Oil in Health and Disease Prevention (Second Edition), 2021.

What are the three types of antioxidants?

Antioxidants can be divided into three groups by their mechanism: (1) primary antioxidants, which function essentially as free radical terminators (scavengers); (2) secondary antioxidants, which are important preventive antioxidants that function by retarding chain initiation; and (3) tertiary antioxidants, which are …

What is the best antioxidant for your body?

Good sources of specific antioxidants include:

  • vitamin C – oranges, blackcurrants, kiwifruit, mangoes, broccoli, spinach, capsicum and strawberries.
  • vitamin E – vegetable oils (such as wheatgerm oil), avocados, nuts, seeds and whole grains.
  • zinc – seafood, lean meat, milk and nuts.
  • zoochemicals – red meat, offal and fish.

What is the most powerful natural antioxidant?

Vitamin E: more than nature’s most powerful antioxidant

  • Summary.
  • Introduction.
  • Oxidative stress and antioxidant system.
  • Vitamin E Metabolism.
  • Vitamin E is the most powerful antioxidant of lipid membranes.
  • Conclusion: higher levels of vitamin E have multiple benefits.

What juice is healthiest to drink?

The 9 Healthiest Types of Juice

  1. Cranberry. Tart and bright red, cranberry juice offers many benefits.
  2. Tomato. Tomato juice is not only a key ingredient in Bloody Marys but also enjoyed on its own as a delicious and healthy drink.
  3. Beet.
  4. Apple.
  5. Prune.
  6. Pomegranate.
  7. Acai berry.
  8. Orange.
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