Why does Cereal stay crunchy in milk?

Why does Cereal stay crunchy in milk?

When you pour cereal from the box to your bowl, the cereal is brittle and easy to break (otherwise known as crunchy). Once you add the milk, the cereal soaks up the moisture, losing its brittleness.

Why do I like my cereal soggy?

Depending on the type of cereal and how healthy the person’s teeth or gums are pretty much predict how soggy or crunchy they prefer their cereal. However, some people simply like the sweet milk the results from a few more minutes of the cereal drenched in milk.

Can you flush cereal?

Pasta, rice, and other grains can expand in water, which can lead to a clog. Cereal, as it dissolves, it is just like poop, it should flush safely.

Where do you put uneaten cereal?

Throw it in the front yard. Small animals like squirrels will eat the cereal and the milk will soak into the ground.

What happens if you flush a banana peel?

You can flush a banana down the toilet but it’s not a good idea as it would probably get stuck in one of the curves and clog the toilet… especially with the peel on. Now if you really think the toilet is the way to get rid of it, then take the peel off and discard it in the waste can, and break the banana up in chunks.

Is it bad to flush cereal down the toilet?

No. Cereal not run through the human digestive tract in the sewer attracts ants.

What do you do when your sewer line is clogged?

What You Can Do to Help

  1. Clean the Area. While you can’t clear the clog yourself, you can clean up any sewage and keep everyone away from the contaminated areas.
  2. Don’t Ignore the Problem or Use Drain Cleaner. Don’t try to use drain cleaner to unclog the sewer line.
  3. Shut Off the Water.
  4. Contact a Plumber.

Can throw up clog a toilet?

And vomit, of course. We can call it puke to continue the P theme. But that’s it. Anything else will risk clogging up your plumbing system or will need to be removed from during the city’s water treatment process.

Is it OK to throw up in the shower?

Even though the waste water will end up in the sewer, anything that has bacteria to cause illness is best disposed of in a fixture that doesn’t come into contact with the hands and face. You want to avoid vomit sitting in your floor waste in the bathroom as the shower, bath and basin will connect to this.

Can stuff come back up the toilet?

Several plumbing fixtures are clogged at the same time. If your toilets, kitchen sink and tub or shower are all backed up, you probably have a clogged sewer line. When you flush the toilet, water backs up into or comes up in the tub or shower. When your sewer line is clogged, the water can’t go down the drain.

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