What is the best definition of love?

What is the best definition of love?

: a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person. : attraction that includes sexual desire : the strong affection felt by people who have a romantic relationship. : a person you love in a romantic way.

What is the true definition of love?

Love is when you choose to be at your best when the other person is not at their best. Love is when what you want is never important. But what the other person needs and wants is always paramount. If you truly love someone, both of these definitions will ring true.

What is the 4 types of love?

The four loves

  • Storge – empathy bond.
  • Philia – friend bond.
  • Eros – romantic love.
  • Agape – unconditional “God” love.

What is the famous quote from Macbeth?

It will have blood, they say: blood will have blood. Double, double toil and trouble: Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.

What do truth mean?

Truth means the actual state of a matter, an adherence to reality, or an indisputable fact. Truth has several other senses as a noun. The truth refers to the version of reality that we exist in.

Why is the truth so important?

The Importance of Truth. Truth matters, both to us as individuals and to society as a whole. As individuals, being truthful means that we can grow and mature, learning from our mistakes. For society, truthfulness makes social bonds, and lying and hypocrisy break them.

Who said the truth hurts?

Henry Rollins – Sometimes the truth hurts.

Can the truth hurt?

Without illusions there is no discomfort to the truth. Then the truth isn’t the source of the discomfort. There is only hurt when there is a false belief (illusion) that reacts to the truth. When we realize that we believe in something that isn’t true the judge part of our mind can criticize us for ‘being so stupid’.

What is the saying if the truth hurts?

Quote: “But better to get hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie.”

Does the truth hurt quotes?

Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed. The truth hurts, but silence kills. Most of us avoid telling the truth because it’s uncomfortable. …

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