Why is my car heater blowing hot air on one side and cold on the other?

Why is my car heater blowing hot air on one side and cold on the other?

This situation can be caused by a bad blend door (also called air mix) actuator, a broken or binding blend/air mix door, broken linkage to the blend/air mix door, or a faulty HVAC control head or wiring harness.

Why is my air blowing hot on passenger side?

The most common cause of the problem is low refrigerant level. It isn’t what a lot of people immediately think but yes it can cause the evaporator to be colder in one area than another which can cause the airflow for one side to be cold and one side warm.

Why does only one side of my AC work?

There are two possible scenarios that could be causing your problem: As crazy as it sounds, I have had a low refrigerant charge in the a/c system as a cause of this, so it may just be that your a/c needs to be recharged. The other possibility is that you have a temperature control door actuator that is malfunctioning.

How do I free up my actuator?

3) remove the small C clip from the bottom side of the pin at the end of the actuator rod. The pin goes through a small arm that opens the internal wastegate valve. Pull the pin up out of the arm to release the pressure of free the actuator rod from the valve arm. 4) the wastegate valve arm should move freely by hand.

What causes actuator to fail?

Normally, failure is caused by application errors, such as side loading, incorrect wiring, poor mounting fixity, excessive loading, and exceeding duty cycle.

Can I drive with a bad actuator?

Can I drive with a blend door actuator problem? Driving with a bad blend door actuator may not be comfortable, but it won’t hurt the vehicle.

Can you fix a turbo actuator?

As part of many Turbo Manufacturers “No Repair Policy”, if you have a faulty Electronic Turbo Actuator, it would mean you would have to replace the complete Turbocharger as the Turbo Actuator itself will not be available on its own.

How do you test a power door lock actuator?

Door lock systems operate the actuator by toggling positive/negative voltage to the actuator. Unplug the door lock actuator electrical connector. Then use your test light or digital meter to check for power and ground at the connector when you operate the lock/unlock switch.

How long does it take to replace a door lock actuator?

Expect the replacement work to take one to two hours, including testing. Usually a bad or failing power door lock actuator will produce a few symptoms that can notify the driver of an issue that should be serviced.

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