Can I use 20w50 instead of 10W40?

Can I use 20w50 instead of 10W40?

10W40 is not better than 20W50 for high mileage. The difference between 10w40 and 20w50 is simply that the latter is thicker. As far as gas mileage goes, no oil will improve your gas mileage by changing from 10W40 to 20W50 or vice versa.

Can I use 20w50 instead of 5w30?

20w50 is actually thicker than 5w30. This will result in less fuel efficiency, less horsepower, and more engine damage because it will have to work harder to rotate. Trust the engineers that made your vehicle.

Which oil is better 20w50 or 15w40?

If you have a new engine that takes 15w40 it is best to use 15w40, but if you have a wore down 300,000 mile engine that takes 15w40, then 20w50 is probably king because you have thicker lubrication there, and it stick on your bearings, and all around moving parts more making it not wear out as fast.

Is 20w50 good for high mileage?

The viscosity level of engine oil 20W50 is geared toward racing engines, as opposed to high-mileage engines, that run extremely hot and need heavy load operation. The thickness is not meant for daily, older vehicle use.

What happens if I use 0W20 instead of 5w30?

0w-20 is simply a different viscosity of oil. It won’t be an advantage to your engine if your manufacturer suggests you use 5w-30 and may indeed be a detriment to your engine. 0w-20 may be a recommended oil for certain conditions for your engine and may not be recommended for your engine.

What is 20W 40 oil used for?

Mobil Super Moto™ 20W-40 Mobil Super™ Moto 10W-30, 15W-40, 20W-40 and 20W-50 are high performance conventional four-stroke motorcycle engine oils primarily intended for general use in all types of four-stroke motorcycles and engines.

When should I use 20W 50 oil?

20W50 motor oil is suitable for warmer climates, where the higher temperature causes the oil to thin. It is also useful for vehicles subject to hot temperatures and for those used for high-stress activities such as hauling or pulling trailers.

Will 20w50 hurt my engine?

A 20W/50 oil is much thinner at high temperature than a 5W/30 at a low temperature, so the viscosity will not hurt your engine. BUT and it is a big but! Most 20W/50 oils do not meet the anti wear requirements of modern engines!

Which is better 10W30 or 20w50?

Designations on the label — such as 10W30 or 20W50 — tell the oil’s viscosity. In the owner’s manual, car manufacturers recommend oils for the brand new vehicle, and 10W30 is commonly used in new engines instead of heavier oils. So, 10W30 oil has less viscosity (flows easier) when cold and hot than does 20W50.

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