How much does it cost to replace a boat transom?
The cost to replace the transom on a boat will vary greatly depending on whether you pay someone to do it, or if you do it yourself. After some research I came across prices as high as $5,000 to have it done professionally, but I’ll show you how I was able to do it myself for about $263.
Can you replace a transom?
While it is a pretty complicated job, replacing the transom core isn’t impossible. Transoms are usually replaced from inside the boat. This means removing all the internal structure, seats, and tanks, etc. so you can work on the transom.
How do you repair a rotted transom?
Treat any wood left inside with CPES™. Cut new wood and treat with CPES™ and insert into transom, clamp/epoxy-glue it to the back of the transom, fill in all gaps with either the Fill-It™ epoxy filler or a putty-mix of the L&L Resin™, and then re-glass the inside. It’s real work.
How do you change the transom on a bass tracker?
All one would have to do is remove the two transom corner caps, and remove the little piece that goes over the transom. Drill out the rivits, and then replace with new when reinstalling. Once those caps are off, you will have to get creative to get the rotted wood out. Cut out a new piece from marine plywood.
How do you identify a rotten transom?
Bad rot will lead to totally deteriorated wood and a lot of flex in the transom when the outdrive unit is under load. If you’re not experiencing that, then your transom overall is probably okay. You can probe with a piece of stiff wire around the screw holes and see if there is any severe softness.
How do you know if you have a bad transom?
Look for any signs of transom bowing or deformation. Look for any signs of the motor mounting bolts and washers being pulled into the transom. If the customer knows his boat, he will not have any issues with you to tug up and down on the bottom of the motor with the motor tipped fully up.
How do you know if your boat is rotting?
On inboard and sterndrive boats, where transom flex is not as prevalent, a core sample can be taken from the inside of the transom to check for moisture or rot. Deck and stringer system problems go hand in hand. Soft spots on the deck are a sign of rotted and delaminated core materials.
Why do boats get soft spots?
Hi Jeff, Normally, a soft spot is caused when the foam beneath the fiberglass deck gets compressed. The fiberglass usually pops back into place but the foam remains compressed. Soft spots can be caused several ways. The most common is body weight being bounced up & down in the same spot.
How do you reinforce a fiberglass boat transom?
Rough up the edges of the outer fiberglass skin you removed from the transom with the palm sander. Apply a heavy coat of epoxy to the last sheet of plywood you used to fill the transom void, and replace the outer fiberglass skin of the transom, using wood screws around the edges to attach the fiberglass to the plywood.
How do I know if my boat hull is moisture?
Ideal Methods for Measuring Moisture in Boat Hull
- Moisture Meter. This is the most popular method of measuring the moisture in the boat hull.
- Visual Inspection.
- Phenolic Hammering.
- Infrared Thermal Imaging.
- Scrape Sample Areas.
Does waxing the hull of a boat make it faster?
Yes, it is OK. It’s most important to wax the sides and deck to protect them from hazing, color fading and chalking from the sun. Some people think waxing the bottom makes it go faster, but experienced performance boaters know a waxed bottom makes surface tension greater and increases drag.
How bad is osmosis on a boat?
While it takes a really bad case of osmosis – with blisters the size of saucers – to put you in any danger of leaking, osmosis causes the value of your boat to fall by the cost of a professional repair, which will usually run into thousands of pounds.
Can you get rid of osmosis?
If you are planning to sell, yes the fact is, boats with untreated osmosis are harder to sell, so you will need to get a professional, warranted job done. The gel coat is a very effective water barrier and does not allow the passage of glycols so it has to be removed usually by the use of a “Gel Peeler”.
Can osmosis be fixed?
The professional cure for osmosis is straightforward, but costly. The first stage is to remove the underwater gel coat completely, along with any delaminated substrate. These gel coat replacements are made from epoxy resin, which form an almost impermeable barrier, and last much longer than the old polyester gel coat.
How is osmosis treated?
HOW IS OSMOSIS TREATED? The hull is then dried using our Hot Vac machine to lower the moisture content to an acceptable level. The Hot Vac machine also gives your hull a post-cure thus strengthening the laminate.
How long does osmosis treatment last?
This can last from 6 to 12 months, during which the surface will have to be rinsed several times. Once the tester displays acceptable moisture readings, the hull should be coated to restore the surface to a good condition and finally treated with a durable epoxy coating.
How long does a GRP hull last?
How Long Do Fiberglass Boats Typically last? Fiberglass boats can be sound and seaworthy for up to fifty years or more.