What is the difference between running boards and side steps?
Side bars also usually have individual step pads to correspond to each door on the vehicle, and they are generally narrower than running boards. Side bars are different from running boards because they: Leave extra space between the step and the vehicle. Offer less ground clearance for an easier step on lifted vehicles.
What is the difference between VIN and chassis number?
The VIN, also known as the Chassis Number, is an exclusive car identification number allotted to your car by the manufacturer. Through the car chassis number, registration authorities use this number to register your car. This exclusive number is a 17-digit number which distinguishes it from other models and makes.
Can two vehicles have the same chassis number?
Registration numbers are unique. They are allotted on the basis of chassis number, color, model, etc and it is hence impossible for two identical cars from the same area to receive the exact same registration number.
What is the importance of chassis number?
It is important because it is unique to that car and, unlike registration numbers and other codes, cannot be changed. It is given to a car on the production line and is thus fixed to that car forever.
How long is a chassis number?
17 characters long
Where can I find my chassis number online?
You can easily find it on the engine of your bike and on the Registration Certificate and Owner’s Manual. Just like the Chassis Number, the bike’s Engine Number can also be checked online at the government website known as VAHAN, by authorised users only.
Where can I find the manufacture date on a chassis number online?
An Example:
- If your 4th VIN character is G, then it represents the Month – July.
- If your 5th & 6th characters are 12 it represents the Year – 2012.
- If your 10th VIN character is D, then it represents the Model Year – 2013.