What happens after a community undergoes a disturbance such as fire flood or other disasters?

What happens after a community undergoes a disturbance such as fire flood or other disasters?

Secondary succession follows a major disturbance, such as a fire or a flood. The stages of secondary succession are similar to those of primary succession; however, primary succession always begins on a barren surface, whereas secondary succession begins in environments that already possess soil.

What is most likely to result immediately after a rain forest in Brazil is clear cut?

Brazil clear cut is an example of secondary succession because after the clear cut some precursors like seeds, roots and other parts of the plants or trees can support the regrowth of plants and trees. Initiating the succession again.

What are the communities in a successional sequence of primary succession?

The labels I-VII represent the different stages of primary succession. I-bare rocks, II-pioneers (mosses, lichen, algae, fungi), III-annual herbaceous plants, IV-perennial herbaceous plants and grasses, V-shrubs, VI-shade intolerant trees, VII-shade tolerant trees.

Which of the following would you expect to find in a primitive community?

In a primitive type of community, algae is most likely to be found than deer, trees, and shrubs. In anthropology, primitive culture is referring to a society or a community to lack cultural, technological, or economic sophistication.

Which of the following is an example of primary succession?

Plant development on a layer of rock deposits is the example of primary succession this is because of the fact that the conditions needs to be favorable for the growth of the plants. The rock layer should required to be disintegrated so that the plants can grow over the fine grains of soils.

What type of succession occurs on the nitrogen poor?

primary succession

Which stage is the primary stage of Hydrosere?

Plankton stage

Is forest succession primary or secondary?

Secondary succession is one of the two types ecological succession of a plant’s life. As opposed to the first, primary succession, secondary succession is a process started by an event (e.g. forest fire, harvesting, hurricane, etc.)

What organisms will now grow first?

The first organisms to appear in areas of primary succession are often mosses or lichens. These organisms are known as pioneer species because they are the first species present; pioneer species must be hardy and strong, just like human pioneers.

What can bring life to a barren island?

Floating vegetation. Floating plants could be carried by water currents to the shores of the barren island where they can take root in the wet areas of the barren island and create new vegetation which then reproduce and multiply to bring plant life to the barren island.

What is it called when the community reaches a stable state?

A climax community refers to a stable ecosystem in its final stage of ecological succession. Succession is when one community of plants and animals replaces another in an ecosystem.

Why is it important that a community is stable?

The stability-diversity hypothesis states that the more diverse a community is, the more stable and productive the community is. This hypothesis was formed from the basis that more stable and productive communities can use their resources better and more efficiently as compared to communities of less diversity.

What are two things that can disrupt a community?

Disturbances such as fire or flood can disrupt a community. After a disturbance, new species of plants and animals might occupy the habitat. Over time, the species belonging to the climax community are likely to return.

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