What is the process of cutting down trees?

What is the process of cutting down trees?

Felling is the process of cutting down trees, an element of the task of logging. The person cutting the trees is a feller.

Is cutting of trees a good thing justify your answer?

They prevent soil erosion and natural calamities such as floods and droughts. They increase the fertility of the soil and help conserve biodiversity. The destruction of forests will disturb the balance of nature.

What is the result of cutting down trees?

The loss of trees and other vegetation can cause climate change, desertification, soil erosion, fewer crops, flooding, increased greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and a host of problems for indigenous people.

What are the 5 effects of deforestation Class 8?

Increase in temperature and Global Warming. Increase in pollution. Soil erosion. Loss of habitat of wild animals.

What are the consequences of loss of forest cover?

The loss forest cover influences the climate and contributes to a loss of biodiversity. The economic activity is adversely affected by siltation, flooding, soil degradation and reduced timber supplies. The loss of forest cover is also termed as ‘Deforestation’.

What are the consequences of loss of forest cover Class 10?

The extinction of the forest cover affects the biodiversity which in turn threaten peoples lives. Shrinking of the forests cause wide-reaching problems like soil erosion, fewer crops, flooding, water cycle disruption, greenhouse gas emissions, changes in the climatic conditions, and loss of biodiversity.

What are the consequences of loss of forest habitats and ecosystem?

Destruction of forest habitats reduces the capacity of forests to absorb carbon dioxide. The growth rate and woodiness of a plant determines the rate of carbon turnover within it. Landscape patterns are also important since carbon sequestration is reduced at the edges of forest fragments.

How are humans destroying the habitat of animals?

Human activity is by far the biggest cause of habitat loss. The loss of wetlands, plains, lakes, and other natural environments all destroy or degrade habitat, as do other human activities such as introducing invasive species, polluting, trading in wildlife, and engaging in wars.

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