How do I know if my forks need oil?

How do I know if my forks need oil?

Registered. Some indicators for basic bath oil/seal service = leaking around seals, excessive oily dirt goo build up on top of seals that reappears on every ride, visible wear on stanchions(by that time it’s too late).

How do you know if your fork seals are leaking?

Basically, Oil dripping down the front shaft should be your first clue that your fork seals are leaking. Another obvious clue is when there is a puddle of oil under your forks, or your suspension just feels like an uncontrolled and bouncy spring. When enough oil leaks out, your bike becomes unsafe to ride.

Does it matter what fork oil I use?

Heavier oil will increase the effective damping, in other words the forks will move up and down a little slower and feel stiffer. Lighter weight oil will do the opposite, allowing the forks to move up and down faster and feel softer.

Can I use engine oil as fork oil?

ATF is close to most 7-10w oils. If you must, use that as your damper oil. For straight lubricating oil (like in the lowers of a Fox 40), motor oil is just fine.

What fork oil weight should I use?

Most suspension fluids that are lighter than 5wt are designed specifically to be used in a shock. Fork oils heavier than 5wt get too thin when they get hot. Stick with 5wt fork oil.

What is the difference between fork oil and engine oil?

As for the differences between motor oil and fork oil, the way they measure the “weight” is completely different, and fork oil has additives to keep it from “foaming” , plus other additives directly needed in the fork enviroment.

What can I use in place of fork oil?

ATF is a good substitute for fork oil due to its anti-foaming properties. Many motorcycles used to specify ATF for the forks as stock. ATF is roughly equivalent to 7.5 weight fork oil, so will be a bit on the light side for any of the XJ series, but you might find it to be acceptable.

Is fork oil the same as hydraulic oil?

Firstly, fork oil is hydraulic oil, it does the same job in both circumstances but is under less stress in a pair of motorcycle forks.

What is special about fork oil?

Fork oil is a specific kind of product. It isn’t motor oil. This oil is designed to do just one function. Fork oil comes in a variety of ‘weight’ or thickness grades.

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