Which of the following persons is responsible for watching pedestrians while operating a forklift?

Which of the following persons is responsible for watching pedestrians while operating a forklift?

It is the lift truck operator’s responsibility to make sure no one walks or stands under raised loads or forks. As an operator of a lift truck: It is your responsibility to watch for pedestrians.

How should pedestrian access be restricted when operating a forklift?

Prohibit or minimise forklift use around tea rooms, time clocks, cafeterias, amenities, entrances and other high volume pedestrian traffic areas. Designate exclusion zones for pedestrians and forklifts. Pedestrian exclusion zones should be enforced within a three metre radius of a forklift.

What are the dangers of lifting heavy objects?

Lifting, handling, or carrying objects at work can result in musculoskeletal injuries (MSIs), including sprains and strains and other injuries. The risk of injury increases when bending, twisting, heavy loads, and awkward postures are involved. Effective ergonomic controls can reduce the risk and prevent injuries.

How do you move heavy objects by yourself?

How to Lift Heavy Objects by Yourself

  1. Examine the item you’re about to move. Size doesn’t mean everything.
  2. Check your surroundings and choose a safe route. Clear any obstacles that stand in your way to avoid tripping and be mindful of stairs and uneven floors.
  3. Get into position.
  4. Lift & Carry.
  5. Drop the load.

How do you lift heavy objects in the workplace?

The safe way to lift an object is:

  1. Don’t rush it.
  2. Ensure that you keep your body facing the object that you’re lifting.
  3. Never reach out and lift a heavy object.
  4. Bend your knees, instead of bending your back (keep your back straight) to lift up the heavy object.

What are 5 common problems in moving items?

Check it out!

  • Strained Back. No part of the body feels a move as much as your back.
  • Broken Fingers and Toes. With all the running around, carrying boxes and loading things into vehicles your hands are going to be busy.
  • Cuts and Scrapes.
  • Knee Injuries.
  • Sprained Ankles.

Can I refuse to lift heavy objects at work?

The simple answer to this question is yes. As per law, all employers are required to provide their employees with adequate information and training so they can carry out a manual lifting task. If they have failed to do so, you can refuse to lift a heavy object.

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