Mariano Fernández Enguita: A look on international education quality

Mariano Fernández Enguita: Una mirada internacional sobre la calidad de la educación

On the International Consultation for the Quality of Education in Venezuela professor Luis Bonilla-Molina interview Dr. Mariano Fernandez Enguita, professor of Sociology at the Complutense University, where he directs the Section of Sociology, Fac. of Education. Enguita until 2010 he served as a professor in the U. of Salamanca, where he created the Group of Sociological Analysis. Marian was a professor and guest researcher at the universities of Stanford, Wisconsin-Madison, Berkeley, the London Institute of Education, London School of Economics, Lumière-Lyon II, Sophia (Tokyo). Some of his books are The teaching profession and the community: a chronicle of a clash, The teaching profession and the school community, Is public the public school?, Educating in times of uncertainty and failure, and school dropout in Spain (with L. Mena and J. Rivière).

At the beginning of this year 2014 President Nicolás Maduro called for a national debate on the Quality of Education. This is the debate more important that has been made on the education of venezuela in the last twenty years. Therefore, with the sponsorship of the national team of the Consultation by the Quality of Education that coordinates the vice-Minister Soraya El Achkar, Club TV, the Venezuelan Society of Comparative Education, the International Center Miranda, The Other eye and the National Center for Educational Research, professor Luis Bonilla Molina has initiated a series of interviews with 100 of the most prominent academics, researchers and social activists in all over the planet defending education as a fundamental human right, as well as to officials of international organizations that work in the educational agenda.

Voices, consciences and opinions from all corners of the world give us their opinion on the QUALITY OF EDUCATION. These interviews are published with a periodicity daily in the perspective of feeding the discussions of the teachers, teachers, teachers and officials of the Ministries of Education develop on this particular.

Interview of Luis Bonilla-Molina Mariano Fernandez Enguita on the challenges of the educational systems to achieve a quality education


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