How do you play the origami fortune teller game?

How do you play the origami fortune teller game?

To play the standard version, ask your favorite color and then flap the fortune teller open one way, then the other way spelling out the color (ex: B L U E) Page 2 • ask which number they want and then count out the number, again flapping the fortune teller back and forth.

How do you use a fortune teller cootie catcher?

Look for the number on the square selected, open and close the Cootie Catcher the right number of times. Open up and down and side to side as you count the right amount they picked. When you’ve stopped counting look inside and let your friend choose again. Count the numbers, open close, side to side, then choose again.

What are some good fortunes to put in a cootie catcher?

Example of Cootie Catcher Fortunes:

  • You will get straight A’s on your report card.
  • You will have bad luck today.
  • Someone cute will ask you out.
  • You will marry (name of least popular child in class)
  • Try again.
  • You will have lots of kids.
  • You will travel to Africa.
  • You will become a famous rock star.

Is there another name for cootie catcher?

A fortune teller (also called a cootie catcher, chatterbox, salt cellar, whirlybird, or paku-paku) is a form of origami used in children’s games.

Is the cooties real?

Cooties is a fictitious childhood disease, commonly represented as childlore. It is used in the United States and Canada as a rejection term and an infection tag game (such as Humans vs. Zombies).

Who cooties boys or girls?

The cooties concept has been evolving ever since. The most familiar incarnation has features of a real infectious disease even as it says a good deal about what 6-year-olds think of the opposite sex. Every little girl knows that boys have cooties, and vice versa.

Are cooties contagious?

Well, let’s look at the characteristics of cooties. Second, cooties are both extremely common and extremely contagious. Just one brush against Jimmy, and you’re definitely going to get infected. While SARS or Legionnaire’s disease are contagious, they’re not THAT contagious—one touch won’t do you in.

How does a person get cooties?

“Cooties” refers to a highly infectious disease. The word “cootie” derives from the Tagalog word “kutu,” or “parasitic biting insect.” The related word “kudis” translates to “playground death.” The spread of cooties is caused by physical contact between males and females of the human species.

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