What does Waldman teach Victor?

What does Waldman teach Victor?

He describes the 50-year-old Waldman as “his person was short but remarkably erect and his voice the sweetest I had ever heard.” Waldman explains to Victor that alchemy was a false science and teaches him that while the alchemist’s pursuits were noble, real scientists do the scientific, valuable work.

Why does Victor like Waldman?

Victor utters these words in Chapter 3 as he relates to Walton how his chemistry professor, M. Waldman, ignited in him an irrepressible desire to gain knowledge of the secret of life. Victor’s reference to himself in the third person illustrates his sense of fatalism—he is driven by his passion, unable to control it.

What is the difference between M krempe and M Waldman?

Krempe is described as “a squat man, with a gruff voice and repulsive countenance.” (Shelley, 28) Waldman, on the other hand, is described as short, but erect, with “the sweetest voice (he/Victor) had ever heard.” (Shelley, 29) While both of these men are professors of natural philosophy (natural science), Krempe …

What did M Waldman lecture about what impression did M Waldman make on Frankenstein How did he help him?

Waldman make on Frankenstein? How did he help him? He lectured about history of chemistry and modern chemistry. He praised the ancient teachers of science-> those that Victor admired.

Who all did Frankenstein’s monster kill?

Frankenstein’s creature is guilty of two counts of first degree murder for the deaths of Henry Clerval and Elizabeth Lavenza, one count of third degree murder for the death of William Frankenstein, and one count of involuntary manslaughter for the death of Justine Moritz.

Is Victor Frankenstein rich?

Victor Frankenstein: Frankenstein is the eldest son of a wealthy, Genevese man, Alphonse, and his young wife, Caroline. Victor grows up in the perfect family with a happy childhood and a constant and devoted companion in his adopted cousin, Elizabeth.

Does the monster kill Victor?

At the end of Frankenstein, Victor and the monster both come to death. Victor dies on Captain Walton’s ship while running from the monster.

Who is the hero of Frankenstein?

Victor Frankenstein

Why does Victor leave Elizabeth unprotected?

Frankenstein wants to protect Elizabeth. With the Monster’s threat “I shall be with you on your wedding-night” reverberating in his mind, Frankenstein sends Elizabeth to retire to their room without him so that he can fight the Monster outside and avoid terrifying her with the sight of their imminent battle.

Why did Victor not kill himself?

what are victor’s reasons for not committing suicide? He does not want to leave his family with the creation because he thinks they would be in danger. He says he is living in daily fear that the creation will do something terrible again.

Why did Victor want to kill himself?

Victor considers suicide because he feels so guilty about creating a monster that took his brother’s life. He also feels extremely guilty because he kept quiet while Justine was arrested and tried for the killing of William.

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