WHO published a pair of silk stockings?

WHO published a pair of silk stockings?

Kate Chopin

Why did Kate Chopin write a pair of silk stockings?

by Kate Chopin, 1897. Born in 1851 in Saint Louis but a resident of Louisiana after her marriage, Kate Chopin began writing after her husband’s death in 1882. “A Pair of Silk Stockings” illustrates her ability to draw women characters so that they are recognizable but also more than stereotypes. …

Is Mrs Sommers married in a pair of silk stockings?

A: There’s no evidence in the story to rule out the possibility that Mrs. Sommers’ husband is alive but that the couple is poor. We do not even know what city or state her story takes place in. All we can tell about her is what we have in those words in “A Pair of Silk Stockings.”

What does Mrs Sommers buy in a pair of silk stockings?

In “A Pair of Silk Stockings,” Mrs. Sommers becomes the “unexpected possessor of fifteen dollars.” As she ponders what to do with the money, she considers her children. The “vision of her little brood looking fresh and dainty and new” is appealing to her.

What do the silk stockings symbolize?

In one sense, the stockings symbolize Mrs. Sommers’s repressed desires—the desire to feel beautiful, the desire to belong, and the desire to escape her miserable and mundane existence.

Why do you think Mrs Sommers buys the silk stockings?

In one unguarded moment, Mrs Sommers actually finds herself thinking about herself. The silk stockings represent a freedom to indulge a whim: to buy something that is not functional, but lovely.

Why does Mrs Sommers spend the fifteen dollars?

Analysis Of A Pair Of Silk Stockings By Kate Chopin Sommers unexpectedly posses fifteen dollars and plans to spend it on her children. When she goes shopping she starts to by things for herself. Instead Mrs. Sommers spends the money on herself trying to fulfill the freedom she had before she got married.

Which word best describes Mrs Sommers at the end of the story?

Sommers is judicious, in the middle she becomes self-indulgent, and at the end she is wistful.

What does Mrs Sommers hunger symbolize?

Mrs. Sommers is described as “very hungry.” What might this symbolize? A desire for something more in her life.

How do we know that Mrs Sommers is a thoughtful woman?

How do we know that Mrs. Sommers is a thoughtful woman in ”A Pair of Silk Stockings”? The story tells us she considers her husband before making a purchase. The story tells us she spends time thinking about how to spend the money.

What type of character is Mrs Sommers?

Sommers, the protagonist and only major character in the story, is an impoverished, industrious young woman. Although her poor neighbors dwell on the fact that Mrs. Sommers was once richer and more fortunate (before her marriage to Mr. Sommers), she is no snob and is not afraid of hard work.

What details is the reader given about Mrs Sommers life before her shopping trip?

Somers is given before her shopping trip? Explain how these details are relevant to the short story’s meaning? The details that are given about her before the shopping trip was that its implied that she hadn’t spent much money in a long time. $15 seemed a lot to her.

What did Mrs Sommers plan to buy her children?

An exhausted Mrs. Sommers rests at a counter where she will begin her shopping adventure. There she finds a pair of silk stockings for sale and is entranced by their smoothness. “Not thinking at all,” she disregards her plans to obtain clothes for her children and instead spends her money and her afternoon for herself.

How did Mrs Sommers react after she got $15 unexpectedly?

LITTLE MRS. SOMMERS ONE day found herself the unexpected possessor of fifteen dollars. It seemed to her a very large amount of money, and the way in which it stuffed and bulged her worn old porte-monnaie gave her a feeling of importance such as she had not enjoyed for years.

What might Mrs Sommers do that she might afterward regret?

Sommers “did not wish to act hastily, to do anything she might afterward regret.” She takes a few days to consider where best to spend the $15 she possesses, with no mention of where that money comes from.

What does a serpent often symbolize in Western culture?

Snakes in Western culture are a symbol of sinfulness, deceit, and just general evil. The reason for this probably goes back at least to the story of Adam and Eve. In that, the serpent lures Eve into sin with his deceit. So the Judeo-Christian tradition starts with a snake causing the first sin to happen.

What can you infer about Mrs Sommers past?

From her longings and desires on her shopping trip, the reader can infer that Mrs. Sommers has long practiced self-denial, but she has not always had to be so frugal and responsible for others; she was once able to purchase items that were not “necessities,” and she was independent.

What does Mrs Sommers plan to do with the extra $15?

First of all, she intends to spend a little extra on her daughter’s shoes because it would be “judicious” to do so. She will buy material and socks for all the children and a pattern to make a gown for her other daughter. Then there will be caps and sailor hats.

Is Mrs Sommers a good mother?

Sommers is torn between fulfilling her assumed role as a good mother and her inner desires for freedom and individuality. Her family has little extra money, so Mrs. Sommers has always put her children before herself. But this time she cannot remain confined to the strict role of motherhood into which she has been cast.

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