Manuela Avilés, Prize of the Congress of Deputies

Manuela Avilés, Premio del Congreso de los Diputados

Manuela Avilés Hernández, professor in the Department of Sociology and Social Work from the University of Murcia has recently obtained the Prize of the Congress of Deputies in the specialty of Political Science and Sociology for his doctoral thesis: “The male single parents: A familiar form emerging in the Spanish society?” (Concession). The thesis was directed by Carmina Pérez Pérez, professor of Sociology of the same university, and defended at the University of Alicante, where he completed the doctorate.

The Congress of Deputies, grants awards to the thesis of your interest related to the fields of Law; Political Science and Sociology, Economics, and Journalism. After four years of research, Manuela Aviles has gotten his doctoral thesis on single-parent families male has been recognized with one of the prizes of the Congress of Deputies. Manuela is convinced that the family roles are changing.

In the last Spanish Congress of Sociology (July 2013), Manuela Aviles presented the communication “How are single-Parent Families Male in Spain? An approach to the study of their socio-demographic characteristics” in the Group Work Sociology of the Family (GT 3). Reading your abstract, we can make a first approach to the work of Manuela:

At the end of the seventies, several researchers began to observe, through statistical data available, that single-parent families male of various countries, such as united States, Australia, Canada or England, were increasing significantly and, in addition, at a rate higher than that of their female counterparts. This increase was seen in the number of single-parent households male made that the scientific interest and social these family groups began to increase. Studies that were carried out was portrayed in a way quite matching their social reality and family. With regard to the father, they concluded that the educational level, professional status, and even income were, on average, higher than those who were parents of household two-parent, although the problems, mainly economic, faced by single-parent families women were beginning to appear in the male. In the workplace, the parents retained the same job they had before the start of single mothers, although in most cases they had had to adapt their work in some way, by reducing, for example, the number of hours worked. With respect to their age, were in a range between 30 and 54 years, being divorced or separated parents younger than widowers. In relation to children, the studies indicated that parents were more likely to assume the care of their male children and teens, many times at the request of the children themselves.

If we focus on the concrete case of Spain, there are a number of issues: what is happening in our country? what are increasing here also single-parent families male?, does your pace of growth, on the assumption that one exists, is superior to that present in the feminine?, how are these households?, what are headings in most of the cases by a man divorced or separated?, how the children are, as in other countries, mainly boys, and adolescents?, etc Are many questions that arise and that have no answer, because in Spain it has never addressed the specific study of the Male single parents. We have only made small contributions on their characteristics but they have always been in comparative terms with respect to single-parent families female.

Trying to give response to this lack of information, on the Male single parents, there is in our country, has made a quantitative analysis on single-parent households male from Spain, taking as a reference the data from the Active Population Survey, corresponding to the 4th quarter of the year 2011. It thus provides detailed information about how they are and what profile have Spanish households in which it is the man in charge of taking care of their dependent children without the presence of a maternal figure. This analysis seeks to determine if there are certain similarities between single-parent households male from Spain and other countries.

Below we reproduce an article published recently in is where we can learn more details of the work of Manuela Aviles. At the end of the attached article also links to two interviews in two different media.

Single-parent families male, an emerging reality in Spain

Published in | Guzman Robador (EFE), Alicante, 26/01/2014

[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”]Between 2005 and 2010 grew by 28% and at a rate higher than that of their female counterparts, reveals a gradual change of mindset in men to the time to live your paternity[/pullquote]

Single-parent families male pose an “emerging reality” in Spain, motivated, among other factors, by a redistribution of family roles and the increase in the number of men who decide to seek custody of their children after a break marriage. In fact, between 2005 and 2010, single-parent families male in Spain grew at a rate higher than that of their female counterparts, reveals a gradual change of mindset in men to the time to live your fatherhood.

This change of mentality at the social level, cultural and personal has its manifestation in the legal field, with the increase of the custody and shared parenting of the children, although that growth has slowed since 2011, the reduction of the number of ruptures marital during the crisis. This has been exposed, in an interview, a professor in the Department of Sociology and Social Work from the University of Murcia Manuela Avilés Hernandez, whose dissertation “The male single parents: a familiar form emerging in the Spanish society?”, defended at the University of Alicante, has been awarded the prize of the specialty of Political Science and Sociology that convenes the Congress of Deputies.

One of the main conclusions of their research is that they start to appreciate in Spain the same changes to the social, legal, cultural, and family that have resulted in several western countries-primarily in the anglo-saxons, from the end of the seventies – the rise of men who take care of their children without the presence in the home of the mother figure.

According to Avilés Hernández, single-parent families male have grown up in Spain, 28% from 2005 to 2010. This increase has been particularly evident between 2006 and 2007, time in which were recorded the highest figures of ruptures marital.

In your concrete work that the number of single-parent families with male children under the age of 25 years in Spain has gone from 123.810 in 2005 to 157.494 in 2010. In addition, in 2011, almost half of parents single parents were divorced or separated (43.1%); 25.8 % were widowed; 18.1 % were single, and 13 %, married.

By autonomous communities, the Canary islands, Murcia and Andalusia are more single-parent families male in proportion to the total number of households that exist in those communities.

Since 2011, when the economic crisis our country has become especially intense,” he says, the increase in this type of families in Spain has slowed due to a decline in the number of breaks marriage, has stated the professor. Therefore,“it can be said that the male single parents is emerging in Spanish society, but at a slow pace that, with the crisis, has been reduced,” he said.

In his opinion, “the increase will not be a reality clear and evident in our country until the end of the crisis and until that breaks marriage, especially divorce, re-reach the levels registered between the years 2006 and 2007”.

One of the causes that have influenced this change of mentality in men regarding paternity has been Avilés Hernández has called “redistribution in family roles”: the men and the women, especially the younger generations, share their responsibilities progenitor giving rise to “families-symmetric”. Such convergence progenitor has its repercussions in the legal field, and is usually translated, when occurs the breakdown of marriage, in the joint custody of the children, a figure that, according to the national legislation, is enacted by mutual agreement, although in other autonomous communities, such as Aragon or Navarra, it goes beyond that, and the man can be ordered separately.

According to the teacher, the 58.864 breaks marriage with minor children to charge that occurred in 2012, were decreed 8.598 custody shared, this is the 14,61 %. While, in 2007, there were 6.958 on a total of 71.474 tears, 9,74 %.

  • Interview with Manuela Aviles on
  • Interview with Manuela Aviles on

CV Manuela Aviles Hernandez

Graduate in Social Work and a bachelor’s Degree in Sociology from the University of Murcia. Phd Cum Laude in Sociology from the University of Alicante. Currently it is affiliated to the Department of Sociology and Social Work from the University of Murcia.

His main area of interest is the Family. In this area investigates aspects related to the familiar forms emerging in Spanish society: single parent families homoparentales, reconstituted, cohabitants, etc…

Has been a visitor at the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, where, in addition to expanding their academic training, he has conducted research and literature review.

His Doctoral Thesis, entitled “The male single parents: a familiar form emerging in the Spanish society?”, has recently received the award of the Congress of Deputies in the category of Political Science and Sociology.

Among his contributions to most recent:

Avilés Hernandez, Manuela (2012): “The custody of the children after a divorce process or dissolution of a marriage from a sociological perspective”, in VI Andalusian Congress of Sociology. Cadiz: Andalusian Association of Sociology.

Avilés Hernandez, Manuela (2013): “Origin of the concept of single mothers. An exercise of contextualization socio-historical”, in the Journal Papers, vol 98, no. 2, pp. 263-285.

Avilés Hernandez, Manuela (2013): “An approach to the social movement in defense of parental rights”, XI Spanish Congress of Sociology. Madrid: the Spanish Federation of Sociology.

Avilés Hernandez, Manuela (2013): “How are the single Parent Families Male in Spain? An approach to the study of their sociodemographic characteristics”, in the XI Spanish Congress of Sociology. Madrid: the Spanish Federation of Sociology.

Goméz, Carmen Mª; Meseguer, Victor; Aviles, Manuela (2013): “corporate social Responsibility: an inquiry of social work, the corporate commitment”, in XII national conference of Social Work. Marbella: General Council of Social Work.

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