What is French for silence?

What is French for silence?

silence → bâillonner, taire.

How do you shush in French?

  1. 1/ Chut. It is the equivalent of ‘shhh’ in English.
  2. 2/ Tais-toi or taisez-vous. Be quiet.
  3. 3/ Faire taire. Faire taire quelqu’un means you make someone stop spreading negative judgements.
  4. 4/ Rabaisser le caquet.
  5. 5/ Fermer son clapet.
  6. 6/ Boucle-la.
  7. 7/ La ferme or ferme-la.
  8. 8/ Ta bouche.

What is the meaning of French grilling word Saignant?

Saignant – French for a rare steak. The direct translation into English of the word saignant would be bloody, or bleeding; despite that, a steak saignant will have been cooked a little more than a steak bleu.

What does the French word portable mean?

adjective. portable [adjective] able to be carried, or moved easily from place to place.

Is portable male or female?

portable {adjective masculine/feminine} Unlike desktop and laptop, the SIMPUTER is handheld gadget equivalent to Personal Digital Assistants (PDA).

Is portable masculine or feminine French?


singulier pluriel
masculin portable portables
féminin portable portables

Is telephone feminine in French?

téléphonique {adjective masculine/feminine} telephone {adj.}

Is SAC feminine in French?

The word sac in French is a masculine noun. The gender does not change, even if the bag belongs to a female.

Is Tableau feminine or masculine?

The word tableau in French is a masculine noun.

Is calculator masculine or feminine French?

The gender of calculatrice is feminine. E.g. la calculatrice.

What does Montre means in French?

watch, am pointing to, am showing.

Is image masculine or feminine in French?

9 – French Nouns Ending in Age Tend to be Masculine But there are also many exceptions: une image (a picture), la plage (the beach), la nage (swimming), la cage (cage), la rage (rage)… Note that le page is a page boy, but la page is the page of a book (or newspaper, etc.).

What does UN Cours mean in English?

run, class, classes.

How do you conjugate Montre?

“How to Conjugate the French Regular Verb ‘Montrer’ (‘to Show’).” ThoughtCo….Simple Conjugations of the Regular French Verb ‘Montrer’

tu montre
nous montrons
vous montrez

Is Attendre etre or avoir?

Attendre—to wait (for)—is a regular Fench -re verb.

Is acheter avoir or etre?

Author, Staff. “How to Conjugate the Regular French Verb ‘Acheter’ (‘To Buy’).” ThoughtCo, May….Simple Conjugations of the French Stem-Changing Verb ‘Acheter’

Passé composé
Auxiliary verb avoir
Past participle acheté

Is jouer avoir or etre?

To form this past tense of jouer, you will use the past participle joué along with the auxiliary verb avoir. For example, “we played” is nous avons joué.

Does Mourir take avoir or etre?

Many intransitive verbs, that is, verbs not followed by a direct object, take être in the passé composé. Many of these verbs also indicate motion. They are verbs of coming and going. Even naître (to be born) and mourir (to die) can be thought of as coming and going in metaphorical terms.

What tense is J AI joué?

jouer: Conjugation

Present Perfect
je joue tu joues il/elle joue nous jouons vous jouez ils/elles jouent Pronounce these verb forms j’ ai joué tu as joué il/elle a joué nous avons joué vous avez joué ils/elles ont joué Pronounce these verb forms
Imperfect Pluperfect

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